it’s not what your think, it’s what you are
it’s not what you do, it’s how you are
it’s not what you see, it’s who is seeing
it’s not how you sleep, it’s what you dream
it’s not what you touch, it’s what you feel
it’s not about you, it’s you

MoonBlog 18.2
Gate 18 of Correction. Work on what has been spoilt.
The vigilance and determination to uphold and defend basic and fundamental human rights.

Gate 18 Line 2 Terminal disease.
The recognition that what has been spoilt is irreversible.
Exalted: Acceptance and strength derived from a faith in spiritual regeneration. The acceptance that there is no potential for correction.
Detriment: The futile raging against the wind. The refusal to accept that there is no potential for correction.