To rationalize our behaviour, particularly to others, as to clarify and justify what we do, is nothing but mind.

And deep down we know we’re just making it up, we’re trying out a white lie, to masquerade the bigger lie within.

Hiding the truth that is either barely known, or barely embraced.


And come up with whole scenarios of why it is so, definitively, really, truly. And in doing so, keeping the truth, our own inner truth well in place where we want it to belong, hidden.

Hidden from escaping, from being looked at, from being seen and so we assume; to be judged, talked about, frowned upon. As if our inner truths are something to be ashamed of, as if we need to hide or defend that which is perfectly true, for you.

A simple scratch at the surface, and all hell breaks loose. All of the hidden truths, the correct desires, the lusts, the wants and wishes come blurting out, in mangled up ways as we keep ourselves blocked away with psychological restraining orders from living our own truths.

From saying loudly and clearly, what we want, and how.

As we use all kinds of tactics to weasel and manipulate our ways into this, and into thats, all kinds of 7 centered tactics, that we learned to master and have grown so fond of. Or so we think, so we trick ourselves into believing, how we have grown so accustomed to our own behaviour, our own outer falseness, the falseness to our inner selves, that it feels like home. It feels warm, and cosy and fluffy to come back to, fall back into.

But our truth is not warm and fuzzy and fluffy, it is cold and hard, and alone, lonesome even perhaps.

But it is true, your truth, your actual reality. Nothing fake about it, nothing unreal or structured and probably not even logic. But true, and you, and real, and scary as fuck.

The mind does not realize, that it can not hide, that others can see, can see through. That our own mastery of our slippery manipulations, are no match for someone else’s. We can only hide ourselves from ourselves, not from others. Yes, the game is rigged, now dance !

Or not 😉

Gate 41 of contraction, decrease.
The limitation of resources which maximizes development of potential.

Gate 41 Line 5 Authorization
The external recognition of one’s potential despite limitations.

Exalted: The value of energy when properly channelled. The fuel for properly channelled feelings despite limitations.
Detriment: A persistent dissatisfaction with limitation which hampers development even when supported. Limitations initiate the fuel for negative feelings.
