January 2015

Hexagram 60


Hexagram 60: articulating; R Wilhelm 60: limitation; Hua-Ching Ni 60: self-restraint; HDS Gate 60: gate of acceptance, limitation; S Rifler 60: restraint; J Blofeld 60: restraint; S Karcher 54: articulating the crossings; GeneKey 60: the cracking of the vessel

Another view (95)

Fibonacci Zoetrope Sculptures from Pier 9 on Vimeo.

These are 3-D printed sculptures designed to animate when spun under a strobe light. The placement of the appendages is determined by the same method nature uses in pinecones and sunflowers. The rotation speed is synchronized to the strobe so that one flash occurs every time the sculpture turns 137.5º—the golden angle. If you count the number of spirals on any of these sculptures you will find that they are always Fibonacci numbers.

For this video, rather than using a strobe, the camera was set to a very short shutter speed (1/4000 sec) in order to freeze the spinning sculpture.

John Edmark is an inventor/designer/artist. He teaches design at Stanford University.

Visit John’s website here: http://web.stanford.edu/~edmark/
and Vimeo site: https://vimeo.com/johnedmark/videos

Learn how he made these sculptures here: http://www.instructables.com/id/Blooming-Zoetrope-Sculptures/

And more about the Pier 9 Artist in Residence program here: http://www.autodesk.com/air

Music – “Plateau” by Lee Rosevere – http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Lee_Rosevere/Farrago_Zabriskie/Lee_Rosevere_-_Farrago_Zabriskie_-_03_-_Plateau

Cinematography and editing by Charlie Nordstrom

Batavus Intermezzo

Test Panel Review: Bicycle with beautiful frame and smooth running, rides fine. Easy adjustable handlebar. The comfort is adversely affected by the stiff suspension and the hard saddle. Brakes give a sense of fast and controlled stopping.

Equipment: Aluminum frame, frontfork suspension, suspended seatpost, Shimano Nexus 7 hub gears, roller-brake rear, V-brake front, Batavus Halogen headlight, battery light rear, Selle Royal Drifter Medium Gel saddle, frame height 61cm, weight 19,3kg

Hexagram 61


Hexagram 61: centre confirming; R Wilhelm 61: inner truth; Hua-Ching Ni 61: faithfulness; HDS Gate 61: gate of mystery, inner truth; S Rifler 61: understanding; J Blofeld 61: inward confidence and sincerity; S Karcher 61: centring and connecting to the spirits; GeneKey 61: the holy of holies

Book Review: Human Design, de blauwdruk van je leven

Ik ben zelf meer dan bijzonder blij met het boek, omdat er voor publicatie ongelofelijk veel vrije interpretatie van Human Design was en is.


Die soms opmerkelijk interpretatie komt mijn inziens enerzijds door de soms moeilijke vertaalslag van Engels naar Nederlands voor die Nederlanders die met Human Design in aanraking kwamen en al dan niet zo goed het Engels beheersen. Anderzijds omdat we nu eenmaal allemaal best intensief geconditioneerd zijn en zowel de leercurve aan het begin nogal flink is, en we vaak heel slecht zelf door hebben wat een wartaal er soms uit onze mind/mond komt. Daarnaast zijn we vaak letterlijk blind voor zaken die we als heel normaal beschouwen en zelfs als belangrijk onderdeel van onze identiteit of geloofsstructuur zien. En, Human Design is echt een andere manier van kijken naar jezelf en het leven, echt radicaal anders.

Dit boek heeft, naar mijn niet zo heel bescheiden mening, Human Design in het Nederlands op een heel hoog plan getild, en kan men nu heel eenvoudig naar het boek verwijzen in plaats van persoonlijke discussie’s te moeten hoeven aangaan wat vaak alleen een ego/mind tijdsverspilling is.

Maar wel degelijk ook een aantal op- en aanmerkingen, omdat sommige dingen die gezegd worden zelfs komplete kul zijn. Overigens, gaat dit over de 1e druk, er is intussen een 3e druk verschenen welke ik niet gelezen heb, dus wellicht zijn er enkele dingen gewijzigd. Here goes:
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Hexagram 54


Hexagram 54: converting the maiden; R Wilhelm 54: the marrying maiden; Hua-Ching Ni 54: marriage; HDS Gate 54: gate of ambition, the marrying maiden; S. Reifler 54: the marrying maiden; J Blofeld 54: the marriageable maiden; S Karcher 54: marrying the maiden; GeneKey 54: the serpent path

When you pray for rain, you gotta deal with the mud too.



A man believes he has put his mysterious past behind him and has dedicated himself to beginning a new, quiet life. But when he meets a young girl under the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he can’t stand idly by – he has to help her. In The Equalizer, Denzel Washington plays McCall, a man who believes he has put his mysterious past behind him and dedicated himself to beginning a new, quiet life. But when McCall meets Teri (Chloë Grace Moretz), a young girl under the control of ultra-violent Russian gangsters, he can’t stand idly by – he has to help her. Armed with hidden skills that allow him to serve vengeance against anyone who would brutalize the helpless, McCall comes out of his self-imposed retirement and finds his desire for justice reawakened. If someone has a problem, if the odds are stacked against them, if they have nowhere else to turn, McCall will help. He is The Equalizer.

Director: Antoine Fuqua
Writers: Richard Wenk, Michael Sloan, Richard Lindheim
Stars: Denzel Washington, Marton Csokas, Chloë Grace Moretz, Johnny Skourtis

Moon Blog 53.1 Accumulation

It’s been a while since I last wrote a MoonBlog, as I was busy with leaving FaceBook but also with setting up a Human Design Forum. I was so busy and even absorbed with it, everything else was on hold for a while, and now I over exhausted myself 🙂


So the self made up deadline of starting testing the Forum Software at the Rave New Year will probably not be made. This basically is an announcement of postponement. And this is a relief for me, as I took too much workload on, and on my own mostly. The mind joyfully occupied with this giant jigsaw puzzle, and with all the knowledge and experience having an idea of what to look for in setting it all up, working on 3 intersecting levels at once; the subscribers side, the moderators/administrators side and the technical software side. And even now, lots of stuff runs through my mind to talk about, but not a lot comes out, it is all still percolating inside me, developing, processing, running its own course, at its own pace. And it will happen as it happens, and not before. But I was forcing it a bit.

With my capacity to focus and really dive into something, swimming around in it and completely losing myself, my identified self. It is time to slow down, and give both my mind and my body a few more breaks. So eager to fill the perceived and confirmed need. After all these years in all these different forums and newsgroups seeing what can be changed and how, and then wanting to implement it overnight, pfff. So yes, there is going to be a subscribers only Human Design Forum, but it might take several weeks or even a few more months before it will open. Aaaah what a relief to say it and to let it go 🙂
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The next week in art history Roxanne was still paying attention.

“Miss Morrow stood on her podium. “The End of the World is the myth of the twentieth century. It is present in every piece of art created. Take a note!” she commanded. “Black pens.” She waited until the shuffle subsided.

“We have no optimism.” In fact, Miss Morrow did not really like much ofher century’s art, or its thinking. Still, they had to study it. “Even the Eastern religions with their ideas ofreincarnation provide only fatalism. We in Western society fear that we are facing an explosive, utter annihilation of the world, brought about by nuclear war perhaps, or the destruction of the environment.” She paused for the students to catch up to her. “Or the destruction of the environment.

Because we in the West do not believe in rebirth, this end of the world we anticipate will be final.”

The pens scratched over paper.
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Naissance d’une moto : la BMW

Reportage au cœur de l’usine motos BMW à Berlin où sont fabriqués et assemblées à la main les modèles du constructeur allemand. Dans les ateliers, les mécaniciens assemblent et testent les moteurs de type Bicylindre à plat, une machine se chargent des chromages des éléments, des manutentionnaires fabriques les roues à rayons puis sur la chaine d’assemblage, les éléments sont emboîtés pour recevoir le réservoir peint à la main.Les modèles ainsi sortis de la chaine (de type R90/6) sont finalement testés sur un banc.