Deconditioning and the Mind

One of the myths of Human Design states that if you simply follow your strategy and authority for 7 years, you will become completely deconditioned. This is a nice story, but it over simplifies the truth – deconditioning is an ongoing process of self-discovery.

The body can partially decondition in 7 years. Most of the cells replicate in 7 year cycles, called apoptosis, so it stands to reason that within 7 years of full experimentation with Strategy and Authority, complete replication will be in effect at a cellular level. Not true. The body has cells that never replicate, that never go through a 7 year apoptosis process – Stem Cells which maintain our primary cellular ‘code’, and Neurons.

Neurons and their lack of cyclic regeneration is what provide humans with the gift of memory. It is also what makes mental conditioning so durable and associative – memories of conditioning never truly go away. Strategy and Inner Authority put the decision making and movement through life under the control and guidance of the body’s intelligence; however, they do nothing to change the rich, deep internal dialog of the mind that is based on conditioned memories that never, ever go away.

How then do we decondition the mind?
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