January 2018

Moonstruck ?

“A Note About Sky Phenomena
The known universe has been around 14 billion years — Earth 4.5 billion years. If we’re lucky, we live 100 years. When anything happens in the sky while you are alive, it is not likely rare in the cosmos. It’s not even likely rare in your lifetime. But our collective urge to think so is strong. This state of mind exists deep within us, and drives all urges to believe that our fate lies in the stars and not within ourselves.

Further, there can be events in your life that don’t repeat for hundreds or even thousands of years. But those tend to be categories of events that repeat hundreds, even thousands of times in your life. For example, the precise configuration of all eight planets in this moment will not repeat for nearly 150,000 years. But the same is true for yesterday’s configuration of planets. And tomorrow’s configuration of planets.

So it’s possible for an event to be rare, but wholly uninteresting.

A Note About the Moon
“Blue” moons (the second full moon in a calendar month) occur, on average, every two and a half to three years. An event more frequent than the Summer Olympics. But nobody ever declares “Watch out for a rare Olympics coming up!”

Total Lunar Eclipses are more frequent than that, occurring, on average, once every two years or so. Some years have two. More frequent than any Olympics at all. Occasionally, the eclipsed Moon will take on a deep red-Rose color from sunlight filtering through Earth’s atmosphere that disperses into Earth’s shadow on the darkened full Moon. Note that our collective morbid mindsets have embraced the term “Blood Moon” instead.

Once every lunar month the Moon is at perigee — the closest to Earth in the Moon’s oval orbit. Perigee coincides with the day of a Full moon about once every 30 months — 2.5 years. Some people who are adjective-challenged call this a “super moon”. Even though a such a moon is only 1% bigger than the full Moon that follows it a month later.

On January 31, 2018, all three events occur on the same calendar day: Blue Moon, Lunar Eclipse, Perigee. You get that every fifteen years or so on average. Although many time zones on Earth (all of Australia and New Zealand included) will not enjoy the Blue Moon since they will instead experience the Perigee Eclipse on calendar day February 1st.

For observing details on the Lunar Eclipse ( the only event of any real astronomical significance on January 31 ) I now, and often reference the Earth & Sky website.

As Always, keep looking up.” -Neil deGrasse Tyson, New York City

De EU-Commissaris

De man achter ’t katheder past maar nét
als hij zijn slokje neemt, een stilte inlast
en dan ’t publiek niet schokt en niet verrast
en onderwijl wat loenst naar het buffet.

Hij heeft het mooie praatje aangekleed
met woorden over dialoog, connectie.
Zo staat hij met een stiekeme erectie
en weet de dingen die alleen híj weet.

En het publiek, in pak en strop gestoken,
ze stoten elkaar stil, wat honend aan:
Kijk naar dat varken! Zie de stumperd staan!

Maar als het speech-einde is aangebroken
blijkt op ’t toneel het machtige van de paus
die zich zó laaft aan daverend warm applaus.” – El Roberto

De zittende politicus

“Hij heeft nog nooit gedanst. Hij kent zijn doel.
Nog nooit is op zijn vale klerkensmoel
Zomaar een lach verschenen, maar die nacht,
Nadat de gek de nar had omgebracht,
Kroop hij zijn bed uit, glimmend van de pret,
En maakte hij onbespied een pirouette.
Dank, dank, riep hij, het monster is geveld.
Hij oefende het woord ‘geschokt’ voor morgen
En sliep als twintig ossen kunnen slapen.
Straks is hij, voor de camera, vol zorgen.
Natuurlijk is hij zwaar tegen geweld.
Daar klinkt verdomd weer zijn belegen lied.
Hij loopt op straat, ondragelijk rechtschapen,
En ziet nog steeds het echte monster niet.” – Gerrit Komrij. 10 mei 2002 (na de moord op Pim Fortuyn)

Choice is the expression of a speculation

Choice is the expression of a speculation


1. the forming of a theory or conjecture without firm evidence.
“there has been widespread speculation that he plans to quit”
Similar: conjecture, theorizing, hypothesizing, supposition, guesswork, talk, theory, hypothesis, thesis, postulation, guess, surmise, opinion, notion, prediction, forecast, guesstimate, gamble, venture, risk, gambling, investment, spec, flutter, adventure

2. investment in stocks, property, etc. in the hope of gain but with the risk of loss.
“the company’s move into property speculation”

MoonBlog 42.1 Diversification

“(He told me) Variable has to be down to the second to be accurate and pretty much no one knows that, so variable isn’t really reliable or accurate.”

Well let’s do the math, shall we? (Variables are derived from the Color and Tone of the Design and Personality of both Sun/Earth and the Nodes)

Sun in
Gate/Line 41.1 02:18 (Januari 22nd 2018)
Gate/Line 41.2 00.25 (Januari 23rd 2018)

Distance/duration: 22 hours, 7 minutes and 0 seconds

1 Line: 22×60 + 7 = 1327 minutes or 79,620 seconds
Each Line has 6 Colors: 1327/6 = 221.17 minutes per Color or 13270 seconds
Each Color has 6 Tones: 221.17/6 = 36.86 minutes per Tone or 2211.67 seconds

Each Tone has 5 Bases: 36.86/5 = 7.37 minutes per Base or 442.33 seconds

Left or Right Variable is 3 Tones long = 110.58 minutes per Leftness/Rightness

Sun/Earth take 1 year to Transit the whole wheel of 64 Gates
Nodes take 18.6 years to Transit the whole wheel of 64 Gates
So per Tone 36.81*18.6 = 685.62 minutes per Tone

Left or Right Variable is 3 Tones long = 2056.85 minutes per Leftness/Rightness

So Birth time needs to be roughly 36 minutes accurate or 2211.67 seconds, not ‘to the second’.
And besides there is always reverse engineering and Vedic Birth Time rectification if need be.

For a giggle, here is the Moon in
Gate 25 03:08 (Januari 22nd 2018) GMT
Gate 17 13.45 (Januari 22nd 2018) GMT

Distance/duration: 10 hours, 37 minutes or 637 minutes or 38,220 seconds

1 Gate has 6 Lines: 637/6 = 106.17 minutes per Line or 6370 seconds
Each Line has 6 Colors: 106.17/6 = 17.69 minutes per Color or 1061.67 seconds
Each Color has 6 Tones: 17.69/6 = 2.95 minutes per Tone or 176.94 seconds

Each Tone has 5 Bases: 2.95/5 = 0.59 minutes per Base or 35.39 seconds

MoonBlog 42.1

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SunBlog 60.1

Weirdos in the mail:

Weirdo: Hello Sjef, Do you have MMAI software that you can run a Solar Return chart for me?
Hope you see this. Best

Me: You offer them yourself, but ask me? [his own professional analyst website link]
thinking to myself: ‘I actually feel weirded out by (t)his request, how to get rid of this guy?’

Weirdo: I don’t have the software at hand to calculate the chart itself.
Do you know my request was removed?
oh no it’s there – paranoid 5 here.
So no, I am no tasking for a reading. I am asking for the chart.
Can you run one for me on MMAI?

Me: Don’t want to. Not in my network of friends.

Weirdo: Accepted – very generous of you – NOT

Me: Ah yes, here it comes. Morals

Weirdo: Sjef shut the fuck up


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RCW 114: A Dragon’s Heart in Ara

Image Credit & Copyright: Andrew Campbell

2018 January 11

RCW 114: A Dragon’s Heart in Ara
Explanation: Large and dramatically shaped, this cosmic cloud spans nearly 7 degrees or 14 full moons across planet Earth’s sky toward the southern constellation Ara. Difficult to image, the filamentary apparition is cataloged as RCW 114 and traced in this telescopic mosaic by the telltale reddish emission of ionized hydrogen atoms. In fact, RCW 114 has been recognized as a supernova remnant. Its extensive filaments of emission are produced as the still expanding shockwave from the death explosion of a massive star sweeps up the surrounding interstellar medium. Consistent estimates place its distance at over 600 light-years, indicating a diameter of about 100 light-years or so. Light from the supernova explosion that created RCW 114 would have reached Earth around 20,000 years ago. A neutron star or pulsar has recently been identified as the collapsed remains of the stellar core.

Source: Astronomy Picture of the Day

The Mind is Stupid

“I was always the smartest person I knew and my mind is so stupid. I lived the not-self a long time, like all of you. Wow, dumb, unbelievable. It isn’t about smartness or intelligence; it isn’t about any of those things. It‘s not about that you don’t trust your mind because your mind isn’t smart enough. Mine is pretty smart. Mine is quite a thing. You don’t trust it because it‘s none of its business. This has been the great distortion. And the easiest way to stay homogenized is just to listen to your mind and follow its instructions. This is homogenization.

I know how difficult the journey is. You enter into this process, you begin to align your vehicle to what is correct, you begin to eliminate the resistance, and you begin to see differently, seeing how things work. But it’s quite a thing to get to that place where you let go of the mind as the one thing you trust in that moment of crisis where you‘re rattling around in your mind to find an answer. That’s when you know you‘re really, really not ready yet, because for the vehicle there is no such thing as a crisis. There is just movement; nothing else. It’s the mind that is all messed up. It’s the mind that tends to become, well, sort of loud and screechy, desperate, and frightened.

No choice, helplessness, and surrender are all basic, basic, basic themes in this knowledge, and they‘re all related to the same thing. It’s all about the mind, because this is where the great challenge is. And the program knows that. I don‘t mean to suggest that it is an intelligence, in that sense. It is simply built in this way. It is through the mind that we are the most deeply, deeply, deeply homogenized, at least in terms of the Personality construct.

It’s only when you get to that point where you understand that it is something to watch, not something to act on. Allow the acting to take place. Don’t ever determine the acting. It is true with every waking moment, the recognition that what is going to be correct for you is going to be there, period. You don’t have to concern yourself with it.

When you give your life over to your vehicle, truly, you really stop worrying. There is no point. It‘s sort of psychological sado-masochism, beating yourself up over what might be, could be, should be, can‘t be, whatever the case may be. In fact, the mind has nothing to do with any of that or how it’s all going to turn out. It isn’t in charge of the life. Everywhere you look in this knowledge you see the deep, deep, deep limitation of the Personality.” – Ra Uru Hu – A Digital Book for DreamRave Students