
Projected Attitude: Abdicator

(from ‘Profile and Type Reference’)

I enjoy being an Abdicator (Profiling Gate of the 4th Line), so very often in my life I’ve been ‘promised the world’ by criminals, by teachers, by lovers. And oh so many times, I just said no. It was not for me, and I walked away or moved on. And then looking back on those situations, what if, I had said yes? And I chuckle, cause I’m so glad I simply did not 🙂

Criminals, proposing working together and ‘do stuff with diamonds and passports’ and ‘I’ll come live with you’ and I just go… neeeeh. Shacking my head 🙂

In the GeneKeys, where the American LLC, who tried to take over the show after RR had sex with one of them, where grooming me to become a ‘certified Guide’, and I just laughed and told them, you ain’t got that capacity to do so, there is nothing there in your offer, it is hollow, and left/moved on.

My Advaita Vedanta teacher, saying, “you’re so close to realization, and then you can teach others”. She was grooming me, to be a non duality teacher, to become ‘one of them’. And when I look at Adyashanti teaching this stuff, talking about things, I realize, I would never want to sit in a chair and talk about life before, talk about the horrors of the mind and how to look at it differently so you can wake up. Not in a non duality way anyways. I mean, doesn’t he have hobbies? Is this the end result of ‘enlightenment’…? Neeeeh 🙂

A lover who wanted to work together teaching HD, using the 64 material ways to do… yeah what exactly I wasn’t sure, I had never read or listened to the material, and when I tried, I was seriously put off by it. And the pussy wasn’t that good either (no offense, but I mean, the relationship was not of equals) but, these promises just don’t work on me, unless, it is correct -for me-. There is no way to seduce me unless it IS seducing, to ME 🙂

The new Reflector organization that is being ‘made’, to be asked to be part of the tip of the spear is nice and all, but I just don’t have the energy, or desire, the drive, the be part of that tip. Once it runs, sure I may show up and be part of its structure, and be of service to the other, maybe.

I’m so happy that I walked away and moved on, and just do whatever the fuck I want, through my PHS Tone, my individual creativity. And use S&A when others are involved, but they so rarely are, it’s just me and my Tone.

I have no need for the groomers, I have no need to even use S&A on them, I abdicate. And that makes me smile, when I look at the mud they seem to be plunged into. Sticky mud, using so much energy to maintain the ‘thing’, and I could see, it was just not for me.

MoonBlog 36.5 The underground.

Gate 36 of crisis. The darkening of the light.
The rule of cycles in which decline is a natural but not enduring stage.

Gate 36 Line 5 The underground
Exalted: Perfected survival regardless of conditions. Immunity to crisis as both generator and survivor.
Detriment: A nervousness that can lead to self-betrayal. Self-betraying nervousness in times of crisis.

Is it time to return to Innocence?

Is it time to return to Innocence?

Gate 25, Spirit of the Self – Innocence
March 18 – 23

Following last week’s transit through the Gate of Crisis, the Sun is now entering into an energy of the higher self. Its role is to point you toward your true nature. It’s an opportunity to return to innocence.

And, it’s fitting that the Vernal or Spring Equinox occurs during the time of this transit … a time when the dark and light are nearly equally balanced.

Those who possess a pure heart are best guided by their instincts and intuition.

Innocence implies a natural harmlessness, openness and pure intention that isn’t contaminated by ulterior motives.

Beauty can then emerge from an innocent heart that remains open to joy and wonder. Innocence, when guided by a conviction to what is right, can bring supreme success.

The hallmark of innocence is a willingness to treat all creatures with compassion and respect.

This innocence isn’t designed to bring love into the world in any specific way, but rather to love without discrimination.

The mystical potential of this type of love is transcendent and universal.

And, your spirit’s innocence is constantly being tested. You can meet these challenges from life like a spiritual warrior, fired up and ready to compete for your true nature (spirit) no matter what you encounter.

Thinking too much may sever the link with the guidance that comes from your inner truth.

The grounding energy is Determination or Pushing Upward. Reminding you that when you let go of expectations, you can find yourself in the right place at the right time.

So, if you trust in perfect timing can you love the perfection in every experience – good or bad?

There can be magic in trusting your natural responses to take you through this journey called life … in perfect timing.

Can you be sensitive AND determined?

Will you bend, but not break when obstacles or challenges arise?

As you remain tolerant and flexible, you can retain the conscious innocence that fuels growth and evolution.

A beautiful balance awaits.

Spring can be such a lovely reminder of how beautiful change can truly be.

Love Yourself,
Ruth Brennan

#ihds #humandesign #transits #gate25 #spiritoftheself #innocence

If we’re not to live by the energies of the Transits, but by our S&A, why are these snippets written as if we do? There is no ‘returning to innocence’ unless we live (out) the Transits. The information about the energy only applies if imprinted with it, and even then only as a potential. How they show up as a Transit in our lives, with each of us as the active filtering agent, remains to be seen.

Reply by Ruth Brennan:
“These are contemplations of the potential energy through my lens and each of us filter them, or not, through our own designs ?”


to which I had replied:
the start of the Lunar cycle is the Design Moon because we get a ‘new body’ each month, body > design, take it up with our nestor Reflector Dharmen to verify:
Besides we are not here to let go of the Personality (side), just not make our decisions with our Mind.
And, the Lunar Cycle sampling is (of course!) about -all- 64 Gates, see my website here:

weirdo in insta messenger:

She blocked me 🙂

Path of the Sacred Clown

by Peggy Andreas / Written 1995

In my last article, I wrote of the Native American spiritual path of the Sacred Warrior. To Native Americans, the path of the Sacred Clown is ALSO considered a spiritual calling, essential to the smooth functioning of the tribe:

In the days before the invaders came. . .we had clowns. Not clowns like you see now, with round red noses and baggy costumes. Our clowns wore all kinds of stuff. Anythin’ they felt like, they wore. And they didn’t just come out once in a while to act silly and make people laugh, our clowns were with us all the time, as important to the village as the chief, or the shaman, or the dancers, or the poets.1

Most every tribe had their Clowns. The Oglala and Lakota called them Heyoka (“crazy”), the Arapaho called them Ha Hawkan (“holy idiot”), and both peoples considered them religious specialists. The Salish people honor the memory of a Clown who (not so long ago) challenged a missionary. The missionary was enticing people to come to his church by handing out little mirrors to them while urging them to cover their bodies with white folks’ clothes. It is told with a smile that the Clown (a woman!) walked into the church one Sunday wearing nothing but a hat and old shoes! Read the book to find out what happened!2

The Hopis protected their Sacred Clowns by incorporating them into their Katchina (“Cloud spirit”) ceremonies where the Clowns make a hilarious entrance from a roof, descending a rope ladder into the plaza where the Katchinas are dancing. “Look down there!” they exclaim, “Everything is bountiful and beautiful!” Their descent is very precarious, usually head-first, and causes much laughter as they tumble over each other and fall the last few feet. They do not see the Katchinas until they bump into them, and then they say “This is MINE!” or “This many are MINE!” They act silly, childish, greedy, selfish, and lewd. As they pretend to become aware of their surroundings, they mock tourists, anthropologists, neighboring Indians, even themselves! They beg for food. Their guessing games and balancing acts please the crowds. The dancing Clowns sometimes pretend they are invisible, heightening the joke.3

The survival of these ritual clowns gives us a clue as to how important a Clown was to the community-spirit of each Native American tribe. Nothing was sacred to a Sacred Clown. She was a social critic of the highest order. Her funny mimicry and joking exposed hypocrisy and arrogance. Her portrayals of ridiculous behavior showed the people (in a very humorous way) their own foolishness and blind-spots. “A clown was like a newspaper, or a magazine, or one of those people who write an article to tell you if a book or a movie is worth botherin’ with. They made comment on everythin’, every day, all the time. If a clown thought that what the tribal council was gettin’ ready to do was foolish, why the clown would just show up at the council and imitate every move every one of the leaders made. Only the clown would imitate it in such a way every little wart on that person would show, every hole in their idea would suddenly look real big.”
Read more


“If you have a child that has the 26th gate by itself– you have to recognize this inherent capacity to be violent. Not only to be violent but to want to improve on it. The best thing to do with 26s, like what my father did, he put me into boxing for ten years– new and improved. Keep on working at it. Get the violence out, get the aggression out. And it’s essential to understand that 26s need that outlet and need to grow in that.

When the [Channel] 44-26 is there complete as a definition it is different, but what it does represent is that the 26 is ready to fight for its right to transmit what’s new and improved. In other words, they will really go to war to get something out. Do you have a war on drugs in this country? It’s the same kind of thing. They will literally take that violent analogy to its extreme. ‘I will improve them or die or I will improve them and kill them improving them.’

The Ego, the 26th gate is the gate of the Egoist. “I know, I am right.” This strong powerful ‘I’ in the Ego. Many people confuse the 51 and the 26. This idea that the 51 is brave and courageous, but the 51 IS NOT violent. The 26 IS. It’s inherent in its nature. And it’s important to understand that’s not moralistic. That is, the fact of the matter that there is violence in the 26 is the power of the T cell.

Every 26 carries this unbelievable warrior within them that is ready to eat you alive if it must.” -Ra Uru Hu

Nutso subtle difference

Outer Authority

Sjef just said literally whatever he thought out loud all the time. And Sjef goes online in the hd community and literally pretends he doesn’t do that.

See, another funny bunny mixing things up, with a fucking loud mouth no less. And using THEIR mind to tell you what using mind is about (!!) It does not get any funnier/sad/yum/retarded.
Mind, is -not- the enemy
Expressing the mind is not wrong
Using mind as Inner Authority, is, wrong, incorrect, not-self, nutso self.
Using mind as Outer Authority or means of communication, is, not wrong, correct, self, no self.

actually, the reflector is great –

On the interwebs I read:

(txt file copy here: 20230207.txt)

So I would have preferred to have this on a vlog, but will type instead.

This has taken months of looking at things from angles, literally. From determination, to cognition, environment, motivation, to view. From looking at things about the other, to seeing things that I had learned about myself through things I had seen through other people around. Through Ra audio, through things about Projector’s, invitations, being asked, through seeing the transits without looking them up through other people during the time I had visited in the Netherlands.

We can look at things for 20 years and still be wrong, I see people do this often, as if the length or depth of looking has any bearing on the results of the looking, or it qualifies as more better or something.

And from really looking at my thoughts, and also, what the body was like in the Netherlands, what Sjef was like, what the Reflector was like – how i felt there, and how things looked from the outside, when no longer being in the Netherlands. What i actually looked like, when no longer focused on the other.

We can only look at ourselves, and how -we perceive- the other, but we can never say how someone else ‘was like’. Cause we are not them, we can only interpret, so it is always far more nuanced.

What actually happened is my design received an invitation to a place in which i actually couldn’t experience any time in my own aura. I was told when going to the Netherlands, there would be two rooms. And there were/are two rooms in that apartment. But the apartment is so small, that there is no place in that apartment really, where people can be outside of the aura of another. The apartment is literally for one human.

Is that what ‘actually happened’? Or did you interpret it as such…?

Now, I can’t say for sure that Sjef actually knew that. Because Sjef explained how he actually had a girlfriend live in that apartment with him in the past.


Here’s the thing, physical things like walls, aren’t capable of separating auras. Auras are roughly 5 feet all around the physical body, outward – in every direction.

I’d say it’s rather 10 feet or about 3 meters, ‘2 arms lengths on either side’ makes for double, easy. And of course (!) varying upon the person, the day, the mood, or whatever else aura size may influence (no one really knows), a quote:
In other words, the aura breathes. And it’s very important not to see it as something that is static. It’s not like you’re moving in a fixed shell, like you’re inside an egg or something. You really have to understand that this is something that is breathing. More than that, that breathing fluctuation can go from being quite large-so for example, if you stand up and you place your arms up in the air away from you, spreading your arms as far as they can so you’ve got your full wingspan, if you double the length of that distance, twice an arm length on either side going all the way around you in every direction, that’s approximately the maximum potential.” – Ra Uru Hu

But I have shared my apartment plan, either like this

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lemmings, actually

not these steps…

“Human Design takes an enormously deep spiritual concept and just turns it into simple mechanics because that‘s what the mechanics reveal. You have to surrender, give up your mind being your authority.

There is no other way. And begin to trust in what is the power that is inherent in your design. Without Strategy and Authority you can‘t be aligned. You‘re not going to make decisions correctly, you don‘t have access to the cognition you need, and the sensory potential that is inherent in you. You don‘t have any of that.

You‘re just another fool; lemmings, actually. So I know you will find transformation interesting. But please beware; these steps are only for those who are willing to go there alone, regardless of the consequences, because it‘s the only thing that‘s ever going to matter for you.” – Ra Uru Hu

Subject: Overname

Weirdos in the mail:

Beste Directie,

Ik wil u bij deze laten weten dat wij de domeinnaam in de verkoop doen.

Via Google kwam ik uw website tegen en ik zag dat u soortgelijke diensten aanbiedt, dus vandaar dat ik u nu een mailtje stuur met de vraag of u geïnteresseerd bent in overname van deze domeinnaam.

Ik mag eenmalig aanbieden voor EUR 795,- ex btw. Voor deze prijs bent u de nieuwe eigenaar van de domeinnaam. De domeinnaam wordt zonder website of statistieken geleverd.

Wij gaan als volgt te werk:

Stap 1: We zijn het samen eens over de overname en verkoopprijs.
Stap 2: U levert ons uw facturatiegegevens, inclusief btw-nummer aan.
Stap 3: U ontvangt van ons een factuur én de verhuiscode van de domeinnaam.
Stap 4: U verhuist de domeinnaam en zet de domeinnaam op uw (bedrijfs)naam.
Stap 5: Wij zien de betaling van de factuur tegemoet.

Ik hoor graag of u interesse heeft in overname. Wat ons betreft kan de domeinnaam al binnen 24 uur op uw (bedrijfs)naam staan.

Fijne dag!

Met vriendelijke groet,

Sandra de Boer

Domain Office
domainoffice .nl

Neutrino Timezone calculations

Since the Neutrinos travel at near the speed of light (299.792.458 m/s) through (the diameter of) the Earth (12.742.000 m) all places on Earth have the exact same Neutrino stream. So even if, you were in another Time Zone During the Design imprint than during the Personality imprint, they will be the exact same everywhere.

ie, the Neutrinos cross ~23,5 Earths in one second
even Base for the Moon is ~35,39 seconds long (see
and it takes Neutrinos 0,042503 seconds to pass through Earth

SunBlog 32.1 Conservation

Weirdos in the mail:

weirdo: friendship request on fb

me: Hi Samira, thanks for connecting ?
Is it ok to share your full (birth) data with me?
Mine are at the bottom here:

weirdo: Hi Sjef,
The honor is mine ?
I have something to attend to now. Let me read your link later and I will get back to you. Thanks for your link ?
Hi Sjef, ik zag dat jij van Nederland bent dus ik veronderstel dat jij dan ook Nederlands spreekt?
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…It’s none of that bullshit…

hi everyone it’s been a while huh.

um i’ve been traveling a lot in hotel rooms and don’t often get a chance to be alone in the hotel room but i have the time today and the energy and i wanted to talk about something. i was shown a lot of what’s happening on facebook and um i have to say i was really surprised at how um how beautiful human design is and how distorted it is on facebook and other social media platforms and i. i have responded to not being part of any um social media

the biggest thing that i do and that is correct for me is this kind of thing making a little video clip or an online gathering on zoom and in the past. oh wow you know this has been a long long time it’s been a long journey for me with human design um.
over 25 years many of you know i’ve said it i’ve teased about it and joked about it that you know pretty much the internet wasn’t even around when i first met human design. and now it’s like wow it’s just exploded and in that there are so many uh how to say it different uh different viewpoints of what human design is. and a lot of it’s from the mind you know someone thinks this and someone thinks that and it’s not really from living it and taking the experiment and diving deep into the experiment of the simple you know

i mean that’s basically what human design was back when i met it. it was the simple the four types the strategy of the four types uh. and when i met human design aura hadn’t been taught yet and i said okay so this is it the strategy for the manifestor for the projector for the generator and the mg and the reflector blah blah blah blah. and then seven years later Ra taught aura and i was like ah that’s why we each have the strategy that we do. it’s because of our aura and you know we live inside our aura i mean we’re in it or is two arm lengths in all directions so that’s a big space huh but we’re in that. it’s kind of like we live inside this bubble and we have no idea what our aura puts out and what our aura uh how our aura interacts with others

so for me the learning aura was like okay i understand now why we have the strategy that we do but what i would, i don’t really want to talk about that today, what i wanted to talk about was how in the past when i would read or hear about how human design was getting so distorted out there i would get so angry i would growl and i mean oh the sounds i made you know. but this time it was i basically laughed. which was shocking to me because i’ve been disturbed by how people f up human design how they how they they change it to suit them and um. this time not i realized that we’re not in control i’m not in control nobody’s in control and it will be what it is and i have no way of knowing. i know for me what worked for me. okay strategy wow waiting this is not easy and i can really understand how someone’s mind would create something that you don’t have to wait. i can understand that

i hated waiting but waiting was truly what transformed me because i used to act like a manifestor you know. just go out there and do it make it happen and uh waiting i mean i. i’ve written a story of my first 10 years of the experiment and i i wrote that you know i’ve been a spiritual seeker for a long time before human design and i had done vapasana zazen everything. that was all a piece of cake one weekend vapasana was easy compared to waiting it was the hardest thing i’d ever done. but i really wanted to be total in my experiment. like Ra would say you can’t be half pregnant. so i was like okay wait to respond you know and so many people want to say oh we’re responding all the time to everything. yes we are as generators we have an open aura, our sacrals responding to life. but wow i don’t change anything in my life without hearing my sound because i have sacral authority it’s

it’s amazing what happens i never expected to live this, never, this is like beyond what i had hoped for when i sat with all those masters. because it’s not extraordinary it’s not enlightenment it’s none of that bullshit. it you wake up to yourself you live you, you live who you were born to be. we came into form to have an experience in form as ourselves and the suffering is because we haven’t been able to live as ourselves. we’ve been taken away from ourselves so there’s not a place to get to. it’s already there it’s just covered over

so for me it’s like yeah i don’t know what’s out there. i really don’t i just know what worked for me and that’s the only thing i can share. because you know it’s it’s simple but it’s so hard. and i understand that so you know it’s seven years because it’s a cellular transformation huh the cells in the body hold the conditioning. that’s why you know when i hear that people with sacral authority are told it’s a feeling you’ll move towards something. it’s a sound, it’s a sound because the body holds the conditioning, so that movement towards this or that is coming from the conditioning. because it’s not the mind. the mind yes we have our thoughts we have our patterns we have our way that we have lived our life from the mind and how the mind plans for the future and all of this stuff huh. but it’s in the body, the conditionings in the body and you know conditioning is not bad we just don’t want to rely on that conditioning to move us in our life to make our decisions for us

so for me it’s like i don’t really care what anyone else is doing i know what works for me and i love sharing that with others when it’s correct huh. it’s like uh that’s so amazing to live this it’s just being yourself and for me you know. i’m not meeting resistance and if i’m meeting resistance i know i have not been correct in my action in my movement you know. i used to think what’s wrong with them, why they did they have a bad day la la la. i would always put it outside not not since this experiment. if i’m meeting resistance it’s it’s it’s this form that moved in a way that was not correct. that’s a great signpost and if you’re relaxed in yourself if you’re aware of your mind talking and you don’t believe what it’s saying you can’t stop it from talking. all of these are ways for you to see for yourself if whatever you’re doing works. i mean i don’t care, i don’t care what people do if they can relax into themselves great. but it’s not the mind, it’s not the mind believing something because that doesn’t get you home to yourself

anyway um i was really surprised that i didn’t growl and i didn’t get upset by all that i was reading i mean really people. i mean it’s amazing what what was what’s being said out there i was like wow i am so glad that you know there was no internet when i met human design and that um yeah. i mean i was in the first class that Ra gave on type. i remember sitting right in the front and he’s got the slide up with the manifestor the projector the reflector the generator and the mg huh. and i remember you know i have a my design has a really defined splenic center, i have all the gates except for the 18th gate so the intuition is very strong. and i remember thinking wow this is the recipe for harmony. this is the recipe for harmony in the world, there’s no other way there’ll ever be harmony in the world if we don’t interact with each other in a in a way that does not create resistance and rejection and fighting. all of the stuff that we see everywhere. i remember wow this is it so for me that was like. okay seven years i’m signing up i’ll try it for seven years i’ll let you know if it works or not

and it did it works it worked for me and i’ve seen in all my immersions i’ve done over the years and the people i’ve worked with i’ve seen people go from really unstable and disturbed and angry and bitter and frustrated and all of this to just relaxing as themselves. and that’s such a gift, it’s such a gift. and i find it amazing how human design came to this planet 40 years. 1987 40 years before the shift in 2027. so you know we have a good chance to be able to stabilize in ourselves as we move through these times you know

there’s no going back, there’s no there’s no normal anymore. we don’t know what’s coming, we, i don’t know what’s coming. you may know, i don’t know what’s coming. i love that there’s no way that i can see, other than it’s really different, it’s already really different

anyway um that was fun i haven’t done it in a long time and i’m glad i had a chance to hang out with you guys and um yeah um. we’ll see what happens huh and in the meantime it’s like i i truly don’t know what’s out there i mean other than what i read. but what’s out there in the world i don’t know. i just know that human design was the tool for me and strategy and authority very simple was the way to begin the cellular deconditioning so that the cells could be what they were born to be and yes i meet conditioning all the time

i have to, i’m with a man, my husband who’s got a defined mind and you know defined emotional system. i don’t have that so i’m always taking that in but it goes in and out it doesn’t stick and i don’t live my life from that. there’s a big difference because conditioning is just being alive and again we’re not in control. there are no mistakes, if we’re not in control how can there be a mistake. it’s just not possible yes we discover so many things but you know we’re being moved, just like the planets and the galaxies and wow. the things i’ve been reading online now with the new telescope. it’s mind-blowing.

all of this is just an unfolding. we’re part of that unfolding.

so anyway um you take care and until next time bye for now okay.