
Tense past

Today the feeling has passed somewhat, but over the last weeks, if not months I get this incredible sense of depression, when I think about how we are living on this Earth. How societies operate, that we all need to make some money to live, and most of people, just barely scrape by.

Does not matter if you live in France, or in Thailand, USA, the Congo, Morocco. This notion of humanity and evolution and technological advances, hampered, and interrupted, by this constant need for just the basic needs, barely. Again and again and again.

How even if here in the Netherlands, almost everyone got a 10 percent increase/raise, it was called for cause the prices had already increased by more. Even if everyone would get say 200-400 bucks a month more, the market would immediately adjust for sucking up the difference.
It is, however unintentional, rigged.

Of course this was triggered by my own shaky financial situation, which is now a bit more stable once again, but as a Reflector looking at yours; my friends, my loved ones, my network and far far beyond, I feel really fucking down and depressed.

Wanted to let you know, somehow, I see and it hurts.

MoonBlog 9.3
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Here’s the thing

about the transits and conditioning – they are not you. They are an experience that is happening for you to observe, not to identify nor act upon. It can be an amplified experience, so that you begin to see it, and how it programs the mind to initiate actions based upon False Evidence Appearing Real – the mind’s survival defense mechanisms.

It is not about ignoring the mind, either. It is about noticing the stories that the mind makes up and tries to convince you that they are real. Those stories are fingers pointing towards what you are here to be wise about, those energies passing through your open gates, channels and centers.” – Leela Swann-Herbert

9-Centered Humans

Mann Frau Proportion Da Vinci by © Sonja Janson,

Our species has exhausted the developmental potential of the 7-centered mind and now has the opportunity to reach far beyond the cognitive, sensory and awareness capabilities of our 7-centered ancestors. As 9-centered humans we are here to explore living with a form of consciousness that is more advanced than mental awareness. We are designed to experience the realization of binary consciousness: the quantum consciousness of mind and body simultaneously, meaning the conscious awareness of the body living the life and the mind observing it. Binary consciousness brings the moment-to-moment awareness of the body’s intelligence as it makes decisions for the life. The mind resides as witness, observing the movement of embodied life. The correct and highest developmental potential of the mind is to observe life and to communicate those observations, when asked, for the benefit of others. As 9-centered humans we are born with the potential to live as holistic beings, not just as an instinctual physical being or just as a strategic mental being, but to live the full potential of our species at its current stage of development: to experience life as self-reflected witnessing consciousness uniquely embodied in form.

Human Design is knowledge for our time. Humanity faces a rapidly changing world and is on the cusp of another evolutionary shift. Now we have the opportunity to learn how to live out our 9-centered potential. We are approaching a new era when the survival of our species and its ability to thrive will depend on one’s unique ability to navigate through life without the protection and support of the social infrastructure and agreements which have previously held our world together. The Human Design System shows you how to explore at the leading edge of human development. Here is the opportunity to live as a unique individual, to live by the decision-making of your body’s inner authority while liberating the mind to observe and be of service to the other.” – Dharmen and Leela Swann-Herbert – quoted with written permission from Your Own Authority – A Beginner’s Guide to Human Design ebook