November 2020

Another view (344)

Earth layers, computer artwork. The external layer shows the Earth’s surface topography and atmosphere, including land, water and clouds. This surface layer extends downwards for around 35 kilometres as the rocky crust. The mantle (red) is a viscous layer of rocks under high pressures and temperatures, extending downwards to a depth of around 2890 kilometres. The outer core (yellow) is a liquid layer of iron and nickel, around 2260 kilometres thick. The inner core (right) is a liquid sphere of a iron-nickel alloy, with a radius of 1220 kilometres., Image: 101651243, License: Rights-managed, Restrictions: , Model Release: no, Credit line: Profimedia, Sciencephoto RM

Here’s the thing

about the transits and conditioning – they are not you. They are an experience that is happening for you to observe, not to identify nor act upon. It can be an amplified experience, so that you begin to see it, and how it programs the mind to initiate actions based upon False Evidence Appearing Real – the mind’s survival defense mechanisms.

It is not about ignoring the mind, either. It is about noticing the stories that the mind makes up and tries to convince you that they are real. Those stories are fingers pointing towards what you are here to be wise about, those energies passing through your open gates, channels and centers.” – Leela Swann-Herbert