August 2022

“Is there anyone here who has experienced, and made it through apathy and prolonged depression during their HD experiment?”

when I smoked pot & hash every day, when I took LSD for the better part of a year, when I was a severe alcoholic, when I was homeless, when I was in prison, when I came out of prison, when I was single. When my mind was running the shitshow.

But never so much anymore since/during my HD experiment. But my life has been radically changed (well one could call it that, I kinda like it, so the comparison is just words) cause I occupy my left/active brain as much as possible with things that I enjoy.

Tinkering my ass off, with guitars, guitar effect pedals, amplifiers, modding them, tweaking and nerding. Since almost 2 years I got a 3d printer now THAT can keep you occupied !! 😀
and am looking forward to tinker with a cnc milling machine next, besides the motorbike(s) tinkering I always did.

“Sjef, why does your living room look like a barn?” she asked.
Because I can !

And, I only watch what I download myself, ie movies/tv-shows. And when I travel I take a vaccin if required. I no longer occupy my mind with the world, and it’s supposed issues, but mine only. I have become much more myopic, not even on purpose per se, not even as a mental strategy, but I do know it works for me.

Am I chasing only happy states? No, in the least, my daily life is not easy, but I know what I want to do with it, now, with the opportunities I now have. If I win the lottery those may change, but for now, I’m pretty damn good.

And then a few days of relapse, deep darkness, sadness. Mind projecting me all these things again. Ah well, time for another nap, or perhaps to level the bed once more (technical 3d printing term) 😉

Make/have dinner, clean the house/barn, pffrt (blowing raspberry)

you know, I consider my life, and how it’s run, as a job. And I love my job, and I love me. So I try to do a good job. And work on it every single day. What is correct for me, what can I or can I not do/have/be today, enjoyable long term strategies planned, but adjusted as need be. Me, my life, one job. Every day.

Some times it is nap day, sometimes it is not ?
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update mcu klipper on prusa mini

try mainsail.ip or mainsailos.local

putty into your Raspberry Pi:

cd ~/klipper/
make menuconfig

Enable extra low-level configuration options
STMicroelectronics STM32
Bootloader offset to 128KiB + 512 byte offset
Clock Reference to 12 MHz crystal
Communication interface to USB (on PA11/PA12)

close and save


switch off mini (only)
put on pin over 2 prongs on pcb buddy board
switch on mini

sudo service klipper stop
make flash FLASH_DEVICE=0483:df11
sudo service klipper start

switch off mini (only)
take off pin over 2 prongs on pcb buddy board
switch on mini

restart firmware in mainsail

there is a huge section of the population that do not have their inner authority unless somebody else points it out to them

“Projectors have projected authority. Projected authority is deeply complex. You can see more projected authority. For example, somebody with the spleen to the throat, the channel of Talent has splenic projected authority. But it only works if it is recognized – it doesn’t work any other way. Unless it is recognized, the talent doesn’t come out. These are people that have to be discovered by others. “Oh, you could be so talented.” “Really, me – you think?” “Yes, you could be so talented.” “Okay, I’ll try that.”

Projected splenic authority has to be recognized. If s not about saying, “I’ve got the talent, and I’m going out there and show the world.” He can’t say that. Somebody has to say that to him. He has to be recognized. The moment that you recognize his gift, then his authority can come out.

The spleen to the root – it is all projected. There is no sacral, there’s no throat. You go into a room and your awareness, your gut feeling, says to you, “I have to get out of here.” Now you are not going to act on that, because you are a projector. You have to wait until somebody recognizes that you’re uncomfortable and comes up and says, “Are you comfortable?” “No, I’m leaving.”

When it is recognized, then the authority comes out, but only when it is recognized. This is the whole thing about projectors, their authority is there, but it is only there when it is recognized, and recognized specifically. This is not about asking them any question. They are not generators. It is specific and directed to their nature.

The spleen to the self with the10/57, is somebody who has the design of survival, but only when somebody recognizes it as her authority. Only when somebody comes to her and says, “Can you tell me what to do?” or “I know that you know how to help me,” – whatever the case may be. “You find the form for me.” She has to be recognized, then the authority comes out. Just like somebody with a defined ego that is a projected ego. There is no power to that ego until somebody recognizes it. “You have the power, go do it.” Then he can. He doesn’t know until you point at it. When you point at it then he can grab and go.

The spleen to the ego in the channel of Surrender, the transmission of the 26/44, is the creative channel of the tribe. It is the capacity to be able to get the message out to the tribe, to get your product out to them, to get an image out to them, to be able to inform them about what is available for them within the tribe. Now if somebody has that and doesn’t get recognition for her talent, it will never come out.

Somebody has to say to her, “Hey, look. You’re really good. I know you can really get this stuff out there, and it will really work. I have faith in you. You go do that.” Then she can. They are the kind of people that the moment somebody recognizes the quality of their work, they get a halo about this big. They walk around saying, “Yeah, I’m recognized.” They have no authority until they are recognized. The more recognition that they get after that, the more authority they have, because they are the ones that really can transmit to the tribe, but it has to be recognized.

The spleen to the ego, again undefined solar plexus, undefined sacral, and of course that is always going to be the rule there. You can’t have any kind of projected splenic authority if there is a sacral or a solar plexus, other than the specific case in which the spleen is directly connected to the sacral.

Everything about projected authority, says to us that there is a huge section of the population that do not have their inner authority unless somebody else points it out to them. Recognize how important we are to each other. The generator waiting for the person to ask; the projector waiting for the person to recognize them – they have a design to wait. That means that there is that responsibility on the other side to know that these types exist.” – Ra Uru Hu

It is not philosophical because it is not spiritual…

“…Surrender is mechanical. Its mechanical you are surrendering to the mechanism of what life is itself…

I am so tired of philosophical descriptions of surrender.

The service is look you can get this for free. You come to my site ( and get it for free. You can get it for free you can get your chart you can get your strategy, you can get your type, you can get your profile, you can get everything you need, you don’t have to spend a goddamn penny, go away and be yourself. And if it really turns you on, yeah we will sell you all kinds of stuff. We will teach you all kinds of stuff, we will read your chart this way that way, upside down, inside out, we will do whatever you like, but be yourself first and be yourself from nothing. That’s our service.

This is not a black art, this is not a hidden art, this is not something that is kept in the closet, this is not something that is here for the elite. It is not, this is what I like the least about this whole process of starting new knowledge is that you end up with elite groups who have the money who have the opportunity, who have the time. This is for everyone and it is for everyone at the simplest level.

Knowledge is not power. It’s just information. It doesn’t do anything. The only way this person is ever going to live out their life properly is if they live out their strategy. And if they live out their strategy then all those components that are in them operate correctly. Just your body operates correctly without you being involved running it.” -Ra Uru Hu

Human Design Gate 47 Realising Oppression

“The 47th game oppression in the ajna center pointed upwards to the head center, to its harmonic gate the 64 before completion, forming the channel of abstraction and design of mental activity and clarity.

Now the 47th gate is the gate of realizing, realizing, but it is a gate that is placed under tremendous pressure.

The head center, the center above the center that it is pointed at, is pressure center and so the 47th gate has the pressure on it to try to make sense of the abstract.

Now what that means literally, is to try to make sense of whatever stored memory is available and it is this stored memory that becomes the source of the pressure on the 47.

Unlike the logical process that deals with patterns that can be worked with, that the 47th gate, the abstract process is always trying to make sense out of experiential snippets, bits and pieces of experiential memory and the 47th gate oppression is described as a restrictive and adverse state as a result of internal weakness or external strength or both.

Now think about that, because that’s, that’s quite difficult to grasp, that is this is a restrictive and adverse state.

This process of trying to make sense out of things is restrictive and it is a result of internal weakness or external strength or both.

Now what is this adverse state?

The whole thing about the process of trying to make sense out of things is that you never truly get to a resolution.

In many ways trying to make sense out of something is trying to come to a point of clarity emotionally and the abstract process and the emotional process are deeply connected to each other.

Everything about the process of making sense out of things, is very similar to the process of coming to clarity, that is the common denominator is time, time.

If one has the 47th gate and it is part of a definition, in other words that the head and ajna center are going to be defined, then there is a consistent process at work.

But it’s very very difficult if one just simply has the 47th gate and it’s in an undefined ajna center, you know, then it’s very difficult because you don’t have the opportunity to consistently, over time, try to make sense out of the same thing from different experiential memories.

Whenever you look at the first line you look at the foundation of a hexagram, the first line of the 47 is taking stock.

It says; the ability in times of hardship, there’s already a presumption of the difficulty of what it is to try to make sense out of things, the hardship to concentrating on eradicating negative factors that led to the oppression realizing that negative thoughts have to be eradicated.

Now one of the most important things for the abstract mind is to discover positiveness, it’s very important for the abstract mind.

The tendency of the abstract mind is to be littered with negative thoughts without clarity, without certainty, without absolute fact.

The process of realization is very very difficult and of course because there are so many different ways that one can interpret experience, that it’s full of difficulties and it’s full of negative thoughts.

The detriment is the delusion of seeing oppression, is exclusively external and this is about the sense that the world is against you.

So you can see right away, that if you’re carrying the 47th gate and that you are not self, which means that your mind is your inner authority, then your inner authority is going to be deeply driven by its negative thoughts and it’s going to be deeply driven by the sense that one is fighting against everything and everyone and obviously that is something that can be very difficult.

The great value of the 47th gate is that because life is for humanity an experiential process, we need its capacity to try to realize and make sense out of experience, but as outer authority, not as inner authority.

As inner authority making sense becomes an enormous burden and it misdirects the life.” – Ra Uru Hu