July 2024

“I also think its about taking responsibility for incorrect actions”

Weirdos in the mail

Weirdo: Hej Sjef

Me: What’s up?

Weirdo: I’m trying to write something to you, but I don’t know how to put it or what to say
I guess I wanted to reconnect, I got a mail from Dharmen

Me: “I’m sorry I was projecting my morals onto you”
might do the trick?
Yeah I got it too

Weirdo: Hahaha
I’m not sure if its all a moral matter. Its one part of it, yeah.
But I also think its about taking responsibility for incorrect actions.

Me: so when are you?

Weirdo: And it pissed me of that you could not do that, to let it go instead of making it worse, for yourself – in my opintion.

Me: neither can you, obviously ๐Ÿ™‚
good luck

Weirdo: You know how somethings comes back and I would like to talk to you about it
Well, what do I have to say? How you dealt with the situation made was unwise in my oponion. I could go on sharing this or that regarding details, but if you don’t want to talk about it, its fine.

Me: As long as you think (!) that I should, or should not do anything differently, there is nothing to talk about
the arrogance alone dude ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
you think you know what I did/did not do
but a, you do not know
and b I’m not telling the details of it either
cause you and you knowing, are irrelevant, to me ๐Ÿ™‚
so enjoy your pretense of knowing, and knowing better ๐Ÿ˜‰

Weirdo: What is done is done. The question is, did you learn anything from your experience?
From what I can tell you still can’t admit that you were incorrect in some of your actions and dealt with the situation in an unwise way.
That is my judgment.
But as you say, I do not have all the details.
And does it matter to you what I see or say?

You’ve blocked messages and calls from Pa Rox Us’s Facebook account
You can’t message or call them in this chat, and you won’t receive their messages or calls.

Harley Benton TE-53KR mods

Do your fucking job


recap: so first I got a 3 day post/comment ban, without ever having been told anything about complaints or other
then after I replied to the mod about the ban, I got a 3 day no mod contact ban too ๐Ÿ˜€
now, without me doing anything different (besides liking one comment, which was then also deleted by mod), the mod changed the no mod contact ban to 28 days
and changed the 3 day ban to a permanent ban on the subreddit itself, but it’s not personal ๐Ÿ˜‰
mod reported to reddit

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Hi there!

Iโ€™d love to know if thereโ€™s anyone has come across a compendium/resources that goes through the colours, tones and bases for each line and there effects on the line (especially colours+tones, know bases can be quite difficult to comprehend). Would be great if there was something similar to the line compendium, as I prefer to take in written information . Know that thereโ€™s a lot of different variations so might be hard to come by, but would appreciate any advice!

slide by Mary-Ann Winiger

I think, the question is reverse thinking and so the answer does not exist. They don’t effect each other in this way.

Each Gate has 6 Lines. Each Line has 6 Colors, each Color has 6 tones, each Tones has 5 Bases.
It is like Kilometers, meters, centimeters, millimeters. So your Gate/Activation is like 65.789,983 kms aka
More on that here: https://www.mcha.nl/2014/10/16/gate-line-color-tone-base-percentages/

Base is (only) a theory because of inaccurate birthdata, not because they are difficult to comprehend either.
Start with the ‘Juxtaposed Unified Theory’ in the Black Book
before https://www.ihdschool.com/digital-products/86/advanced-base-theory

For Gates: https://humandesignamerica.com/books/reference-books/item/1-rave-iching
For Lines https://humandesignamerica.com/books/reference-books/item/16-line-companion

Then also understanding the Hexagram structure would help.

Human Design is a description of -potential- energies, but it is not math, so Gate 10 with Line 3 and Color 5 Tone 4 and Base 1 does not have a fixed way of expressing, versus someone with gate 10 Line 3 Color 4 Tone 4 and Base 1 as something to pinpoint and compare.

Except… in the Variables themselves. (pic in next comment)

HD describes globally the what and how, very accurately in comparison to other modalities that just homogenize through made up rules and morals, wishful thinking, magical thinking and plain false beliefs, but how we get to live these ‘traits’, we can only find out by living it, by entering the experiment.
See also pics like

Here too

slide by Mark Germain

Gate 10 with Line 3 and Color 5 Tone 4 and Base 1
aka the Gate of the behaviour of the self, treading in Line 3 of the Martyr with Low Sound and Inner Vision, Being/Reactive

versus someone with gate 10 Line 3 Color 4 Tone 4 and Base 1
aka the Gate of the behaviour of the self, treading in Line 3 of the Martyr with Nervous Touch and Inner Vision, Being/Reactive

This does not -effect the Line- as such, nor its expression. The nervous Touch Martyr is still a Martyr just as the Inner Vision Martyr is a Martyr.

To pretend it is somehow different is exactly why there are so many ‘schools’ of HD now. Because their (ego)minds don’t get it and say there must be, because, because, because. Mind being the Driver.