
The Cult of Human Design

How do reflectors approach each other if we are supposed to be initiated?

You: Are we….?

Me: Yes we are.

You: Sorry not buying that nonsense. Life is what you make of it. It is a do it yourself job. Felt misarable a long time waiting for invitations until I felt live is my party. I can do whatever I want. This statement is taking every self empowerment out of my life. Can’t be good. Human design is inspirational not a bible.

Me: Yes but who is not buying it (but an argumentative mind)?
Are you experimenting with Strategy & Authority? Do you understand how that works? Would you like to?
We are not here to wait for invitations, we are here however -to be initiated-. But also, if you do anything for yourself, you don’t need to be initiated either. When someone else is involved, then we do.
Then we take a month, a Lunar Cycle to see if it (what we were initiated about) is for us.
Maybe time to read a good book about it like: Your Own Authority – A Beginners Guide to Human Design (eBook)
And/or book a Foundation Reading with a certified Analyst?
Human Design is a tool that you can apply, use, to find out your Inner Authority, so you can make your decisions correctly. About how your bio-mechanical machine operates.
Inspiration is only for the mind, where you can take the things your mind likes, adheres to or agrees with. Human Design teaches us that there is no choice. The experiment show that.
It is not about happy, it is about the duality of life, yin and yang, good and bad, and make your decisions regardless of those out circumstances. Not (even) because of them.

Me: “This statement is taking every self empowerment out of my life.” a good point
Because Human Design shows you, you don’t need any external empowerment, you are already whole and empowered from within. If anything external can take yours away, wonder if you had any to begin with.
And also, as an inquiry: who (or what) seeks empowerment, needs it, yearns for it, but our (ego)mind?
It’s a journey alright.

Me: I’ve heard/read people state that same type can approach same type, so projectors can approach other projectors without invitation and so on. Never experimented with it to see if it’s true.
For me it is not even the perception of initiation but, again, if my body moves somewhere. If it shows up at someones door.
So the question is not how, to me (because how is always mind, always trying to strategize, and manipulate, to change that which is or is not), but to notice when you do, when you are.
When it is without any form or kind of a mental agenda.
When I can perceive it is correct, noticing to be in the flow and not pushing the river. Basically when I notice that I have no choice.
Otherwise, you simply don’t (initiate), because who is wanting to do so anyways (but mind)?

You: Not true it is not always mind….you can follow gut feeling or hart. Very clear to feel the difference.
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Boekpromotor Büch verbond op bevlogen wijze hoge en lage cultuur

Büchs dodo-botje

“Het zijn de buitenbeentjes, die het leven, de kunst, de journalistiek en de literatuur van kleur en  reuring voorzien. Zoals Özkan Akyol, Midas Dekkers, Arthur van Amerongen, A.H.J. Dautzenberg, wijlen Theo van Gogh en Boudewijn Büch. Die laatste – Boud voor intimi – strikte ik in de jaren tachtig als medewerker voor het boekenprogramma van de VPRO-radio, wat tot afkeuring leidde bij de culturele elite en veel zich achter een superioriteitscomplex verschuilende collega’s. Want dat geldt voor vrijwel alle dwarsliggers met excentrieke kantjes, ze trekken in het land waar egalitarisme en platvloersheid de volksaard kenmerken (wie verbeeld  je je wel dat je bent ?), al snel controverse en afgunst aan.

De vraag ‘wie verbeeld je je wel dat je bent ?’ is in het bijzonder van toepassing op schrijver, TV-presentator, poëet en fenomeen Boudewijn Büch omdat hij als geen ander van zijn leven fictie maakte. De verbeelding won het in zijn geval ruimschoots van de feiten, want die waren te banaal om als bouwstenen te dienen voor de kathedraal opgebouwd uit verzinsels, uitvergrote ervaringen, leugens en bedrog waarmee hij iedereen – geliefden, vrienden, collega’s en het grote publiek – grandioos in de maling nam.” – Paul Aalbers

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MoonBlog 39.2 Confrontation

Goodbye Richard Rudd.

I have enjoyed and loved the GeneKeys, and the many people I met through it, and both the book as well as the Golden Path sequencing are a treasure to be had for many seekers of being yourself. Those who seek to understand themselves, and the GeneKeys as I met them provides a view to look at ourselves quite beyond any other. Giving clues to some of our own personal behaviour, our mental hooks and triggers, as well as some of our behaviour in groups or society at large. The individual and the Collective.

But something has been nagging me for a little while now, and I’ve noticed it before when Richard was still in Human Design too, which is that some things are his personal journey, and they are 100% valid in his personal journey, I can not possibly say otherwise. Well yes, I could say it, but it would not be more or less true if I would. But what is nagging is that some of this personal journey is being sold, and I mean this in both a show and tell kind of ego presentation as well as actually exchanging information for monies, sold as if it were transferable and applicable to all people.

I’ve started noticing it in his ‘Seven Years On the Wheel of Passage’, which still today is being gifted as a free Human Design tool. A tool thus that one could use for their own process, their own journey, by calling it a formula. But what many people fail to recognize, whether in Human Design or in the GeneKeys, this is -his- formula, you are being distracted from finding your own by following his formula, or anyone’s formula ! Because listen carefully: there is no one formula. There is not even a formula for -you-. There is nothing to repeat, or do similarly, not even for him, or for me.
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