Karen Curry Parker

Mind Candy for the Mentally Obese (and those that love them)

ISBN-13 : 978-1951694340

“The Human Design Reflector type is a rare and unique being. They have a very special role to play as wise observers of the world.”

Not necessarily, this is a fairytale homogenization. There are no fixed roles for anyone. Human Design is not for everyone, and Reflectors being 1.45% of 4% of 4% makes 9 Reflectors out 387.931 that ever meet HD will live accordingly. The Reflector chart is not a certificate, and most don’t study HD at all, let alone decondition.

“A Reflector’s uniqueness gives them a specific set of challenges they must navigate if they are to exist as strong, healthy, and happy individuals.”

Again, there is no such a must, this is pretending life is magical and the fairytale has a beginning, a middle and an end. And that we can have control over it by following some false dogma. Some Reflectors will live as ‘strong, healthy, and happy individuals’ without ever meeting HD. The teacher of this Reflector, Karen Curry Parker is a well known liar about what HD is and how to use it, and abuse not-self/external energies (Transits) for ones own self made up goals. This description reeks of just that, and making HD into some kind of religion even, by stating that there are musts.

“When they harness their unique strengths, they can serve as human barometers, reflecting back the current health of their community and forecasting what is energetically yet to come.”

This forecasting is false. Anyone with HD knowledge (Rave Cosmology) can do this. It is not limited to Reflectors and it is pretending -all- Reflectors can and will do this, if those ridiculous conditions ‘harness(ing) their unique strengths’ are met, first. Which is just more false belief, and gives enormous pressure to the unsuspecting Reflector asked to forecast. There are easily 1000’s of -different- Reflectors. Each with unique abilities and networks and conditioning and their mechanical imprint. Some are stronger in this field, than any other. To homogenize all Reflectors to fairy-tale like functions is simply incorrect.

“Reflectors flourish with support and guidance about how to live a fulfilling and sustainable life.”

A what now? ‘fulfilling and sustainable’ are subjective gibberish, and again make it sound as if the Reflector has to do all kinds of circus acts before becoming a good little Reflector. Total nonsense, see also: MoonBlog 58.4 Focusing and MoonBlog 46.5 Pacing, and who is supposed to give this support, let alone guidance?

“Without this, they can easily feel misunderstood and, at times, lost.”

Feelings are sensations, like hot, or cold. Misunderstanding is a thought. So we think misunderstood, we think (to be) lost. And mind is -never- the Inner Authority. And it is true we -are- misunderstood, but it’s not a feeling inside the Reflector, writing about HD correctly is not easy, see also: MoonBlog 46.3 Projection.

“A thriving Reflector is a beacon of objectivity and wisdom.”

Or not… Ah yes, duality… totally ignored by KCP…

“This book provides Reflectors and those who love them with a tangible guide that supports Reflectors in working with their unique design, equipping them with the tools they need to fulfil their specific life purpose.”

Yes the market is ‘those that love them’ and talk nonsense to them, and pretending there are such goals, if only you help them put their mind/effort into it. There is no such need. Much of this is just another form/version of undefined ego/heart proving and improving, the first responder of the not-self, which KCP and Amber Clements both have undefined.
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Human Design goes to Court

On 3rd June 2020, the Court of Florence pronounced an Order establishing that there cannot be a copyright on the Human Design system.

The Order followed a lawsuit initiated by Human Design Italia, an association claiming they had the sole ownership of Human Design copyright in Italy and the Italian language as licensee of Alan Krakower (Ra Uru Hu)’s company, Jovian Archive.

HD Italia had gone against an Italian publisher, Terra Nuova, after the release, in June 2019, of Chetan Parkyn’s book Human Design – Scopri la Tua Vera Natura; claiming that nobody else except Human Design Italia had the right to publish any book on Human Design.

After a speedy trial, the Judge thought otherwise. His decision stated: “…No evidence has been provided by the claimants to prove that they had exclusive rights on the ‘Human Design System’ or its teachings: those teachings cover ideas, procedures, methodologies of representation that can be freely talked about, mentioned and illustrated even by those who are not the creators, without this infringing intellectual property rights; nor, to do so, does one need to be authorized by a school or by its founders, since in our legal system the representation of ideas is free and is not subjected to cult-like behaviors.”

The principle, stated by US Law and accepted by the Berne Convention as valid for all the countries who are part of it (and Italy is) is that copyright cannot be recognized for an “idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described,” and therefore “If Krakower cannot be the holder of a general intellectual property right on his ideas (rather than on his works), he cannot have sold it to third parties.”

So “The object of the transfer [from Jovian Archive to Human Design Italia, ed.] cannot be the right to exploit copyright that does not exist.”

And more: “Neither it [Jovian Archive, ed.] nor its assignees could prevent others from publishing other works on the ‘Human Design System’.”

I am particularly pleased to release this news, because I really believe that HD, like Astrology, Kabbalah, I-Ching, the Chakra System, Neutrinos and the DNA theories on which Human Design is based, belongs to humanity as such and not to just one group of individuals.

Of course, everyone is grateful to Ra who went through the experience of receiving the knowledge about the system from some mysterious source, and the moral rights of the discovery will always be his, but the law says that moral right is not transmissible, and ultimately, that the fruit of his experience belongs to all of us.

As the Delhi High Court states, in a 2016 lawsuit, copyright is “not an inevitable, divine, or natural right that confers on authors the absolute ownership of their creations. It is designed rather to stimulate activity and progress in the arts for the intellectual enrichment of the public. Copyright is intended to increase and not to impede the harvest of knowledge. It is intended to motivate the creative activity of authors and inventors in order to benefit the public.”

Moreover, this Court Order is an important precedent for any other lawsuit that might be initiated by Human Design Italia, Jovian Archive or any other organization or individual claiming intellectual property on the HD system. And it is important also for all the independent HD readers, teachers and writers – many! – that have been bullied through the years!

Instead, Human Design has benefited a lot from the work of such independent HD practitioners and has evolved immensely from its original formulation, thanks to their commitment, research and experiences.

Let this Court Order be the first step towards the free expansion and evolution of this beautiful science.

Much thanks to all the people who helped in the process of gathering information to build the case defense, namely attorney-at-law Caterina Inglese, Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D (noblesciences.com), Chaitanyo (humandesignsystem.com), Karen Curry Parker (understandinghumandesign.com), Erik Memmert (newsunware.com), and of course Chetan Parkyn (humandesignforusall.com).

For a copy of the Court order, which is a public document, in Italian and/or English, contact Marga at margajee@gmail.com

Source: https://www.oshonews.com/2020/07/19/human-design-italian-court-case/
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MoonBlog 23.3 Individuality

On the purity of Human Design or mixing it with other frameworks/modalities:

It has nothing to do with following one persons words (Ra Uru Hu) by the letter, or even the Human Design framework ‘to a fault’.

It is about seeing that “all knowledge burns down in the face of Strategy & Authority” and having seen that, experienced it.

By tinkering with it, to add or subtract, we’re tinkering with knowledge alone.

For instance I’ve been in several GeneKeys DeepDives, was live in London with Richard and others just before the book got out, did GK Host and Guide training, was asked to become a GK Guide, and had a great time exploring my emotional world through it. It was incredibly valuable to me and everyone else I know or came in contact with.

But as I also deepened my experience with HD I came to see, that not HD, not Ra, not GK, not any of it, not PHS, not this economic framework or that political philosophy, not Advaita Vedanta was key, but S&A was, my S&A for me, by me.

It truly holds everything, to make those decisions by yourself, which is often times not even decision -making- but realization of what is correct. The dawning awareness of that reality.

And that there is nothing wrong with someone telling me this.

The funny thing is, people claim and clamor that they are free to mix it (which they are), how open and progressive that is, but as soon as someone is telling them (why) not to mix it, all the openness and progressiveness is out the window and they become fundamentalist mixers all of a sudden, just like what they accuse others of doing ! 🙂

While more and more HD people shake their heads and become more and more silent in FB HD groups because of the enormous influx of people indeed wanting to mix, or as they fear the no choice dilemma, to at least have the option as they then cling to it and defend it ferociously, but not creating their own mix groups, but instead just take over the conversations, loud, arrogant, obnoxious, as they promote their mix, and then another mix, and yet another other with another mix.

Mixing it, is not experimenting with it. Hiding behind others and become false group thugs is not you living it.

Writing their own books, giving more, giving less, changing this, changing that, while standing on the basics of HD, while trampling it all the same. Ignoring the pearls from within it as changing one word or syllable has more importance, than -living- it or learning to, as their ego’s are boasted by the people that buy stuff from them, thinking both parties are on the right track, of manipulating life, of creating shortcuts to salvation and the end of their suffering.

That is not duality at all, “ignoring the yin (dark), only seeking yang (light), living only half of a dualistic life, for moral superiority”

I’ve had access to tons and tons and tons of HD and mixed or altered information, and to see, not just for me, but for so many others too, that even pure HD info is not the key, the information is just a drug (gateway drug?) is just for the mind to think it can outsmart life, pretend to change the mind with more/better information. And Ra was the pusher of it, by popular demand.

And then mind make all these and those connections, and thus indeed combine structures, insights, frameworks.

Until *plop* hey, wait a minute, more info is not supporting actually, it is aggravating, it is steering me in an ever more mental direction of thinking to know, to -understand- but it is a lie.

I don’t need more -information- to make my decisions, I need to find out what my decision -IS-, first, without my powerful mind, and listen to that body consciousness, and follow its directions.

I don’t need to know what Color 3 -means-, I need to -live- it.
To apply it, use it, and see how it responds, reacts, struggles, and observe that, notice it behaving. I don’t need to know what Gate the Moon is in right now to live it. Yes it is awesome to understand what energies are present right now, how I sample life differently, right now. But -knowing- what Gate it is in, does not change how I -experience- life, right now.
-edit- it actually does change the experience, but not for good, cause it steers the focus, it limits the openness of observation, because of pre-conceiving the experience, of setting the mind up for how the experience should/might/could look like in the first place.

And yes information of the framework of the how and why or when is interesting, but by just living it, it really does not matter if Reflectors are called Observers or Evaluators, and anyone (!) -selling- you that it does matter, has an agenda not to free you as a passenger, but is a prisoner of their own opinions on things, and help you become one too. And as we find our mental equals, we can salute each other and tap each other on the back for how fucking smart we are for knowing better than silly old Ra, but never outsmarting our own damn minds…

“Look at me, I’m pointing at the moon”, they say, look I changed HD and mixed it with this and that, want to hear my recipe, my version of how my mind made it -seem- better, so you can seem to feel better about it too. In your head?

No matter if you are called Richard Rudd, Karen Curry/Parker, Steve Rhodes or Juliane Hahn.
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MoonBlog 18.5 Therapy

What I find interesting to notice with (FB group)talk on Ra versus Zeno Dickson, Steve Rhodes, Karen Curry/Parker, Chetan Parkyn, Richard Rudd, Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Kim Gould and so on is this:

When Ra says something it needs to have come from the Voice, or it (the mind of the audience) finds it hard to accept. We want to either believe or we do not believe. And not believing is just another belief…
Ra is not allowed (right…) to have understood and worked with what he got from the voice, it needs to be verbatim (word for word accurate) or not.

But these ‘heretics’, those who moved on or away from Ra’s Jovian Human Design, who have not had the experience of the voice know better? They know better with their minds what is accurate and true about Human Design and they -are allowed- to freely interpret and share from their own and personal perspective?

Then all of a sudden the masses huddle up in line to sign up for this or that course, filling the coffers of those so called free entrepreneurs with funds of the ignorant and stupid who lament at the prices and structure of Jovian and IHDS. These people paid hundreds if not thousands for not just second hand information, but altered and changed, mangled and maimed by their grotesque ego teachers ! (while actually stating it to be ‘not like it at all’) Empowerment for only a few dollars less…
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Moon Blog 28.2

self-doubt and worries, as the mind is let loose to be triggered by what other people write, as they call themselves analysts, professionals, and offering not just sessions but even whole courses while not even knowing simple basics. Mind kicks me back saying to want to throw in the towel, as it ponders and reflects, is this truly for me to do anyways?

All those arrogant people out there claiming this and that even if they themselves were tricked by the Parkyns and the Currys to follow and believe this facade they bought themselves into, as they get triggered by their easiest weaknesses, usually money and a shallow self-image. Lured with tricks and lies, but slowly populating groups and fora, open house sessions asking the right questions as a result of that missing information they had not received themselves, being conned and tricked into believing they matter and what they do does. By now, there must be more fake and conned session givers out there, than real ones, as the machines keep pumping out more half-witted wannabees
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