
update mcu klipper on prusa mini

try mainsail.ip or mainsailos.local

putty into your Raspberry Pi:

cd ~/klipper/
make menuconfig

Enable extra low-level configuration options
STMicroelectronics STM32
Bootloader offset to 128KiB + 512 byte offset
Clock Reference to 12 MHz crystal
Communication interface to USB (on PA11/PA12)

close and save


switch off mini (only)
put on pin over 2 prongs on pcb buddy board
switch on mini

sudo service klipper stop
make flash FLASH_DEVICE=0483:df11
sudo service klipper start

switch off mini (only)
take off pin over 2 prongs on pcb buddy board
switch on mini

restart firmware in mainsail

Original Prusa Mini+ Bear mod

today, I finished the main modification of the printer (I only want to change the wires soon) so the whole frame is changed, the hot-end, extruder, heatbreak and nozzle, and all printed parts were PETG are now ASA, instead of a Cantilever design it is now an H-frame with double Z axles, so the frame gives rigidity and structure to the printing, yet still running the original Prusa firmware (with some added G-codes)