Formats Quote

So many people avoid the truth by looking for it.

“You’re not going to find your answer in this journey. You’re going to find stimulation. The answer is within yourself. It cannot be anyplace else. It is about whether it is your serendipity, not choice, but whether it is your serendipity to surrender, and to surrender to your vehicle.

Whatever Human Design is in the end, it is here to transform the form principle. It is here to teach us an extraordinary essential lesson that the body is the life. If you do not allow this body to operate in the way that it was intended to operate you screw up your life; boom. It’s not about your head trip. It’s not about what your mind thinks, not about all the bullshit you go through, all the machinations, this and that, this and that. This is the madness of the world.

The beauty of the form principle is that when you relax into surrender, into the integrity of your form you will see that it delivers, it gives you your life.” -Ra Uru Hu

Moon Pairs and the Synodic Month

Image Credit & Copyright: Marcella Giulia Pace

Explanation: Observe the Moon each night and its visible sunlit portion will gradually change. In phases progressing from New Moon to Full Moon to New Moon again, a lunar cycle or synodic month is completed in about 29.5 days. They look full, but top left to bottom right these panels do show the range of lunar phases for a complete synodic month during August 2019 from Ragusa, Sicily, Italy, planet Earth. For this lunar cycle project the panels organize images of the lunar phases in pairs. Each individual image is paired with another image separated by about 15 days, or approximately half a synodic month. As a result the opposite sunlit portions complete the lunar disk and the shadow line at the boundary of lunar night and day, the terminator, steadily marches across the Moon’s familiar nearside.

Source: Astronomy Picture of the Day

54 Ways Coronavirus Has Changed Our World

By Larry Buchanan May 27, 2020

The coronavirus pandemic has altered
the world immeasurably, yet the
statistically minded among us persist
in trying to measure it. Here are some
aspects of our lives that have trended
up or down — or both — with the
backstory linked to each of them:

Unemployment is up worldwide.

Global movement is down.

Global deaths are up.

Global greenhouse gas emissions are down.
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‘it is only unconscious to the mind, not to the body’

Our natural state is love; our very essence is love. When we are present to our experience of life, it is an experience of love. Love of our self, love of life – those are just labels to try to describe the felt-sense of awareness of being present, here, now.

The mind is very good at interpreting the body’s experience into a story, and that story repetitive in our internal dialog, can harden into a pattern – a neural pathway that can be triggered by a similar experience, a passing energy that the mind interprets once again – and into a story.

As 9-centered humans, we are capable of the felt-sense of awareness of love, while also capable of identifying with the story that our mind is telling us. The dilemma is that we have been trained to believe that we are our mind, rather than training the mind to be an observer of our experience. We believe the mind’s story that we should find love in a particular person, that love should carry us from one peak experience of excitement and happiness to the next, that there is something in particular life should give us as an experience of love – and if only we did this or that, we’d have it. Or, we believe the mind’s story that we are not worthy of love, we are broken and wounded, and will never find love if we don’t change this or that about ourselves.

Love is like an ever-shining internal light, showing us ourselves, as we experience the pure love of communion with our self. The dilemma is that we don’t see it at all. The internal dialog or mental stories are like blinds which block that internal love light. The blinds may be beautiful or ugly, but we find them captivating our attention, so that we never see the inner light itself. We don’t recognize love, because we are stuck looking at the obstacles, the blinds that we put in the way between us and our actual experience of life.

With the mechanics of Human Design, the path to self-love is a binary path. On the one side, we have to train the mind to observe the experience of the present moment, the life that the body is experiencing. In order to train the mind, we have to be able to see the conditioning blinds, the persistent illusion that the mind is focused upon. When we can see the conditioning stories, we can begin to observe what is beyond them.
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Human Design goes to Court

On 3rd June 2020, the Court of Florence pronounced an Order establishing that there cannot be a copyright on the Human Design system.

The Order followed a lawsuit initiated by Human Design Italia, an association claiming they had the sole ownership of Human Design copyright in Italy and the Italian language as licensee of Alan Krakower (Ra Uru Hu)’s company, Jovian Archive.

HD Italia had gone against an Italian publisher, Terra Nuova, after the release, in June 2019, of Chetan Parkyn’s book Human Design – Scopri la Tua Vera Natura; claiming that nobody else except Human Design Italia had the right to publish any book on Human Design.

After a speedy trial, the Judge thought otherwise. His decision stated: “…No evidence has been provided by the claimants to prove that they had exclusive rights on the ‘Human Design System’ or its teachings: those teachings cover ideas, procedures, methodologies of representation that can be freely talked about, mentioned and illustrated even by those who are not the creators, without this infringing intellectual property rights; nor, to do so, does one need to be authorized by a school or by its founders, since in our legal system the representation of ideas is free and is not subjected to cult-like behaviors.”

The principle, stated by US Law and accepted by the Berne Convention as valid for all the countries who are part of it (and Italy is) is that copyright cannot be recognized for an “idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle or discovery, regardless of the form in which it is described,” and therefore “If Krakower cannot be the holder of a general intellectual property right on his ideas (rather than on his works), he cannot have sold it to third parties.”

So “The object of the transfer [from Jovian Archive to Human Design Italia, ed.] cannot be the right to exploit copyright that does not exist.”

And more: “Neither it [Jovian Archive, ed.] nor its assignees could prevent others from publishing other works on the ‘Human Design System’.”

I am particularly pleased to release this news, because I really believe that HD, like Astrology, Kabbalah, I-Ching, the Chakra System, Neutrinos and the DNA theories on which Human Design is based, belongs to humanity as such and not to just one group of individuals.

Of course, everyone is grateful to Ra who went through the experience of receiving the knowledge about the system from some mysterious source, and the moral rights of the discovery will always be his, but the law says that moral right is not transmissible, and ultimately, that the fruit of his experience belongs to all of us.

As the Delhi High Court states, in a 2016 lawsuit, copyright is “not an inevitable, divine, or natural right that confers on authors the absolute ownership of their creations. It is designed rather to stimulate activity and progress in the arts for the intellectual enrichment of the public. Copyright is intended to increase and not to impede the harvest of knowledge. It is intended to motivate the creative activity of authors and inventors in order to benefit the public.”

Moreover, this Court Order is an important precedent for any other lawsuit that might be initiated by Human Design Italia, Jovian Archive or any other organization or individual claiming intellectual property on the HD system. And it is important also for all the independent HD readers, teachers and writers – many! – that have been bullied through the years!

Instead, Human Design has benefited a lot from the work of such independent HD practitioners and has evolved immensely from its original formulation, thanks to their commitment, research and experiences.

Let this Court Order be the first step towards the free expansion and evolution of this beautiful science.

Much thanks to all the people who helped in the process of gathering information to build the case defense, namely attorney-at-law Caterina Inglese, Eleanor Haspel-Portner, Ph.D (, Chaitanyo (, Karen Curry Parker (, Erik Memmert (, and of course Chetan Parkyn (

For a copy of the Court order, which is a public document, in Italian and/or English, contact Marga at

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It’s not about looking in the mirror and trying to figure out how to love yourself

An introduction to Human Design by David Wilson Barnes

“What is Human Design? First of all, don’t believe anything I’m about to tell you. Human Design is not to be believed, it’s not based on a belief system, it is to be experienced. It’s an empirical system that can be understood through experimentation and confirmation. And the reason for this is because existence is a mechanical process. And Human Design is the objective understanding of this mechanical process, it’s known as the science of differentiation, because it’s the science of understanding the extent of our individual uniqueness and how to take advantage of that uniqueness in life.

So everything you’re about to hear is simply a framework for a possibility. The possibility to discover how you are your own Authority in this life and how you don’t need anything or anyone else but yourself to guide you. And that self discovery and understanding the mechanical nature of who you are in relationship to all of existence is possible. And it’s possible through a simple practice that focuses your awareness and deepens your perception. With deepened perception comes deeper understanding. And with deeper understanding comes the greater possibility of a life that’s filled with satisfaction and success, a greater sense of inner peace and more pleasant surprises. Overall, just a much more fluent existence, with far less mental stress and greater physical health.

So what you’re looking at now is called the Bodygraph, it’s otherwise know as a Human Design Chart. So everyone on Earth has the same basic Bodygraph. It’s the shapes and the lines that connect those shapes and the numbers within those shapes, those are the same on every Chart. So what makes a Bodygraph unique are the elements that are then colored in and this is determined by the birth data that is supplied. It’s this data that defines each persons differentiation within the science of differentiation. And every completed Chart then becomes the blueprint of the mechanics of who a person is and how they function in the world, revealing each individuals place in the ongoing evolution of humanity. So unlike the transition from Neanderthal to Cro Magnon to Homo Sapiens, our most recent evolutionary leap was an internal one, there were no external changes in the physique, such a skull structure or bone density. And this is because we underwent an evolution in our capacity for awareness. It was an evolution in our field of consciousness. And the only physical manifestation of this evolution was the transition of humanity from being what we call 7 centered human being to being a 9 centered human being.

So we, you and I, are 9 centered human beings.

The Centers in the Human Design Chart are based on the Hindu Chakra system and this was discovered in India over 2500 years ago through the Hindu Vedic sciences, which described seven fields of subtle energies within the body or Chakras. And each field represented a different quality of our nature. In Human Design we don’t call them Chakras, we call them Centers. So this was the 7 centered human being. In the 7 centered human they focused on the navigation of life through mental strategies or decision making through the weighing of pros and cons and acting on the potential viability of those pros and cons. And all of our current institutions, so our churches, our schools, our governments, our morality, our ethics, these are all based on the 7 centered strategic mind. And today we’re still being educated from the 7 centered point of view. And this has effectively homogenized the entire Earth to navigate life through mental strategies of the 7 centered being and has built the world that we have now for better and for worse.

You know, there have been a lot of advancements in science, in medicine, in social organization, specially over the last 400 years. But then there’s the other side of that equation with all of its dysfunction and inconsistent and often disastrous results. So in the evolution of the 7 centered being to the 9 centered being, we went from our minds relative awareness being our Authority in decision making, to a system today in which our body’s instinctual awareness can now be relied on as the Authority for our decision making process. It all boils down to decision making.

Because the story of our life is simply a tapestry that is built on a sequence of events made from one decision to another. You know, you wake up in the morning and you decide what you want for breakfast, you decide what kind of socks you’re gonna wear and what route you might take to work that day. So from those seemingly small decisions to the larger ones of where you’re gonna live and what you’re gonna do with your life and who you’re gonna spent your life with. All of life is just decision making. But most everyone on Earth is still making decisions with the mind, you know, they’re using the old 7 centered strategic system. But decisions made with the mind, they always come with a degree of uncertainty. Because trying to predict outcomes by weighing pros and cons only brings clarity after the fact. You know, you make the decision and then; ‘Yes that worked’. ‘No that didn’t work’. ‘Yes that was a good decision’. ‘No that was a bad decision’. So it’s all a bit of a crap-shoot at the end of the day. And the bigger the decision, the bigger the uncertainty. And the greater the uncertainty, the greater the mental stress and the anxiety and the physical breakdown.

So what Human Design is offering, is an insight into the mechanics behind the art of decision making through your body’s individual, instinctual awareness. And this is all achieved through a simple practice that you experiment with over time. And it’s the only thing that one needs to utilize the full potential of what Human Design has to offer. So it doesn’t matter how much anyone knows about Human Design or how long they’ve been in this process, this practice is the only thing that matters, whether you’re a beginner or you’re 25 years into your experiment. And the practice is called; Strategy & Authority.

Strategy & Authority.

So Strategy & Authority is the only thing you need to start your journey in Human Design. And if it speaks to you, is the only thing you need to practice it for the rest of your life. It’s the key to Human Design and it unlocks the mechanics of your nature.

Everyone on Earth has a specific active Strategy that can guide them and a specific Inner Authority that they can surrender to for all decision making. And when you learn to trust your Design through experimenting with your Strategy and your Authority and surrendering to the innate wisdom of your body’s awareness, your mind is then no longer being pressured, is no longer being pressured to strategically predict the future for its survival. And this in turn expands your mind’s ability to take in its environment, this is literally an expansion of your consciousness. And in doing so, you’re increasing the potential for discovering purpose, either a new purpose or an increase sense of purpose in what your life has already become.

This is the possibility behind the Human Design System. And as I mentioned, don’t believe anything I’m telling you, Human Design is about practical knowledge, it either works, or it doesn’t and you’re the only person that can determine that, for you.” – David Wilson Barnes

transcript by Evelyne Beyer

The Chase for the Ghost Particle and the Secrets of the Universe

A sketch of the IceCube neutrino observatory ( J. Yang/NSF)

Neutrinos are elementary particles, just like electrons that buzz about atomic nuclei or quarks that combine to make protons and neutrons. They are fundamental building blocks of matter, but they don’t remain trapped inside atoms. Also unlike their subatomic cousins, neutrinos carry no electric charge, have a tiny mass, and hardly ever interact with other particles. A typical neutrino can travel through a light- year’s worth of lead without interacting with any atoms. Therein lies the snag: neutrinos are pathologically shy. Their severe reluctance to mingle makes these particles hard to pin down, so neutrino hunting is a tricky business. But every so often, a neutrino does collide with something, such as a proton inside a water molecule, essentially by accident. It is to raise the odds of accidental collisions, and thus to increase our chances of observing neutrinos, that scientists build extremely large detectors like IceCube

You still can’t see neutrinos directly, but you can get a whiff of their presence from the clues they leave behind. On the rare occasions that neutrinos do interact with matter, they produce charged particles such as muons that physicists can detect with their instruments. But distinguishing neutrino signals from unrelated “noise” poses a challenge: cosmic rays, fast- moving particles that arrive from deep space, also produce muons, which might be confused with muons produced by neutrino interactions. Neutrino hunters place their equipment deep underground, or under a thick layer of ice, so that cosmic ray muons cannot get through. As Janet Conrad of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology explains, “If you’re trying to listen to a whisper, you don’t want a lot of noise around.” -Ray Jayawardhana, The Neutrino Hunters

Characteristics Do Not Matter When Living Out Your Purpose

“We’re talking both the fulfillment of purpose. Everything about the cross is about the potential to fill your purpose. It is very difficult to get to that place where your cross runs your life. I know. And when your cross takes over in your life boy does it take over. It’s almost as frightening as the idea of giving up the not-self, because your purpose is something that does not honor your characteristics.

So for example, let’s say that you’re an anti-social nasty savage little survivor like me. And you get on the wheel and the wheel turns you into some kind of social interactive good-for-everybody nice guy. But that’s the cross. And it doesn’t matter once you’re into the movement of your purpose what your characteristics are.

Characteristics only matter when you’re stuck with your not-self and you’re unawake. This is the whole thing about my joke about not being furniture in a movie, background. The background doesn’t mean anything. But the moment you give background purpose it jumps to the front of the lens and everybody can see it. And it doesn’t matter where you come from. The coward in the movie in the background that suddenly emerges as the hero and everybody is wondering where that come from.

Your characteristics don’t matter when you’re living out your purpose. They don’t. If I was living out my not-self my nature, my very characteristics would create problems for me in this life as they did before I knew all of this. They just would. And purpose would never allow me to transcend the problems of my characteristics, never. That’s the magic of being yourself, because the moment that you really are leaving out your nature your cross will take over, your purpose will take over and out of that will come its archetypal demand and the opportunity to be fulfilled that way, whatever that way happens to be.” Ra Uru Hu – Incarnation Crosses by Profile, I The Quarter of Initiation

Excerpt from Living Your Design

The Human Design System is not a belief system
“It doesn’t require that you believe in anything, or that you believe in me. It’s not stories, it’s not a philosophy. It is a concrete map to the nature of being, a logical way in which we can see ourselves. Just the simple mechanics is enough to make a vast difference in somebody’s life.

The irony of what it is to be a human being is that we are caught at the surface of understanding and accepting our nature and the cosmos around us. We are just at the surface. It doesn’t matter how intelligent we are, and it’s not about the labels we attach to that intelligence; whether we call it “enlightened” or we call it “genius”, there is a vast underlying ignorance of how our bodies operate.”

The Human Design System is a reading of your Genetic Code
“With a Human Design education, your genetic code can be read in detail. That is the work of a professional analyst. This ability to detail our mechanics is profound as it reveals the complete nature in its subtleties. However, by simply grasping the surface mechanics—what this work aspires to communicate—you will have a grounding in this life that is immediately going to bring a difference to your process.

These essential truths are simple because they are mechanical. What is mechanical in us, the way in which our genes operate, is that the moment we try to interfere with their operation we descend into a life of confusion, chaos, and pain. In the end, they will have their way.”

All Learning—Real learning—Takes Seven Years
“We live in a seven-year cycle, and it takes approximately seven years to change all of the cells in the body. The moment you begin to come to your own nature and allow your body to live its life without resistance, you begin a deep process of deconditioning. Seven years later, you emerge, quite literally, as a new being: yourself.

It is when human beings don’t get to live out their own lives that life seems to be such a difficult experience for them. We know that there is a lot of stuff around about “being yourself.” It’s all fine and good for somebody to stand up and tell you to be yourself, but you have to know who that self is.”
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“My personal method of deconditioning”

In some “not so easy to follow” steps. Perhaps in the right order.

“Try to fit in the Mold of Life by becoming Superslave. Neglect to realize when enough is enough and have a complete breakdown physically, mentally, financially and generally.

Find Rock Bottom and sit there for a while.

Realize that Life is Pain – start to Heal.

Be fortunate enough to be introduced to HumanDesign by someone deep in the experiment, with a Channel of Struggle for the tenacity to seek Purpose. Curse Channel of Struggle. Love Channel of Struggle.

Have first conscious experience of a Spleen-hit while watching your first Ra-video, where he speaks of your 5/2 Profile. Melt inside.

Absorb everything you come across of Information. Know everything. Know nothing. Start Seeing.

Go away. Hide Self from other Selves in Cabin by the Sea. Be alone for a month. Find personal rhythm and true feeling in the body. Remember.

Experiment using the Body as a Barometer for the states of being in Others. Have “HolyShit!” moment of sudden understanding of implications of having a projector-aura.

Become convinced – go RAdical. Initiate Waiting-game. Nothing happens. Re-examine parameters of Waiting-game. Facepalm.

Experience the right Invitation. See yourself transform in the Situation, now that the Recognition has made the Energy avaliable. File under “HolyShit!”. Folder is getting thick.

Streamline friendships, let go of trying to fix things with your Mind and try to settle in the Backseat. Observe your Self quietly freak out, but also do nothing. Create new folder titled “Hm.”

Have noticeable physical improvements as Vehicle starts to become more aligned to its Trajectory.

Move into house where HD is a language and treated somewhat according to Type. Have happy days.

Have bad days. But notice that most of the badness is now filed under “Hm.” and not “F!!” as per earlier routine.

Everything becomes the Experiment. Thank Ra. Curse Ra. Fight it. Loose. Give up. Have confidence. Embrace doubt. Enjoy the Ride. Throw up.

Have “Hm, HolyShit!” moment of realization about the correct use and purpose of Fear and the true implications of Trust in your Splenic Authority. Laugh at the Past.

Write some jumbled brainfarts on deconditioning, in an effort to make some sense of past experiences and perhaps contribute to something or other, thru the outlet of Outer Authority (which you deep down know knows nothing).

Wait. Drink some Tea.

Have nap.”- Lars Haugeland
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The Drama of Profile

“…the design side. You have no conscious access to it, which means there is no way your mind can either interfere with it or truly grasp it. It has nothing to do with your mind.

And in terms of the not-self, the not-self does everything in its power to ignore it, even if that unconscious is the sole thing driving its definitions, because it has no access to it, none. When somebody enters into the experiment of Human Design, that experiment is cutting off the mind from trying to run the life and allowing the mind to become mind, to be involved in what it’s here for, which we’ll get to in a moment. But the moment you’re operating according to Strategy and Authority you’re automatically aligning your vehicle to its cognition and you’re automatically aligning your vehicle to a geometry, a trajectory, a direction, whatever language you want to use, that is absolutely correct for you…

…We have a dilemma with mind in Human Design because as not-self it really destroys our possibility to be able to perfect our process. But once you’ve entered into a process where your Strategy and Authority is making the rules for your life there are all kinds of possibilities then for the mind. It is its freedom. And this freedom is to be an outer authority, what you get from me. That is, my mind has value for you. It does not have the same value for me. That is, my mind does not tell me what to do so it is no longer my inner authority.” – Ra Uru Hu – Rave Cosmology VI – Profile, Purpose and Function

It’s perfectly pointless

Maya (the dog)

‘Awakening to your true nature is like dying; it’s a certainty, inevitable. You’re going to get there no matter what you do, so why rush? Enjoy your life, it’s free. Cosmic Consciousness and Altered States and Universal Mind are the names of rides in this vast and fascinating dualistic amusement park. So are Poverty and Disease and Despair. Enlightenment, though, is not another ride. Enlightenment means leaving the park altogether, but why leave the park? In the park you can be a saint or a yogi or a billionaire or a world leader or a warlord. Be good, be evil. Happiness, misery, bliss, agony, victory, defeat, it’s all here. What’s the big rush? When the time comes to leave the park, you’ll know and you’ll go, but there’s certainly nothing to be gained by it.’ – Jed McKenna SPIRITUAL ENLIGHTENMENT: THE DAMNEDEST THING

On Transits

“Hello everyone, I’d like to make an important clarification about following transits that is long overdue: This group is for those who are sincerely living their strategy and authority and understand that following astrological transits is very different from a nine centered point of view than it has been historically for many of those interested in astrology. Astrology originated in a seven centered era, when we were strategic beings focused on survival. Within that context there was rightly a strategic intent to following transits.

For nine centered humanity today, it’s clear to me that transits are not opportunities to do something. Even if you recognize a transit like mercury retrograde as an opportunity to re-evaluate things, it’s not an opportunity for your mind. Your mind will want to play out scenarios with that transit, all of which are not self strategies. You don’t know what things you’ll be re-evaluating, and how that will play out. You’re not going to get what your mind wants. It’s just something to be aware of as it’s happening to you and to others around you. It’s not wise to pencil into your calendar “time to re-evaluate my contracts” just because mercury is in retrograde. You don’t know that that is where your energy wants to go. I bet you will re-evaluate something, but you don’t know what, when, and how. You’re not in control of that. That’s mental intervention that inhibits the natural flow of your life.

We are conditioned by neutrinos, not in control of them. They will color your life according to roughly predictable themes, in the context of your design…pushing you in directions…but there is no way to utilize them for our own ends…attempting to do so is the definition of acting from the not self. There is merely identification with that transit energy or not, and even in that we have no choice. We can only see what we can see at any given time. We don’t get to choose to have the awareness to not succumb to transit conditioning. Just because you know a transit is happening doesn’t mean you’re beyond being pushed by it. But maybe you’ll notice the impersonality of it later, and that will be of value to you. One way or another, we are always going to be conditioned. If you have the energy to be aware of how and to what extent, lucky you.

Do you want to be a part of a group that is created for witnessing the transits as they activate lines, gates, and channels in our lives, recognizing these energies that are conditioning us, so as not to identify with them, not to make decisions because of them, and not to take their themes personally? That’s what this group is. And fortunately I have a volunteer to continue to post the sun gate and line transits daily. Understanding this astro context can help put the mind at ease, allowing us to truly see more as a witness, without grasping and identifying, and to ultimately help us clarify the difference between our nature that we can rely on and the transiting energies that are just weather.

Please feel free to comment if you need clarification on this important difference. The old orientation insidiously reinforces the not self mental control game, the new orientation liberates the passenger to see more clearly and relax into the form.”- James Alexander in the Human Design Line, Gate, and Channel Study

De open samenleving en haar vrouwen

‘Inclusiviteit is het (vrouwelijke) toverwoord – een gevaarlijke en infantiele fantasmagorie’

In zijn ‘De Open Samenleving en haar Vijanden’ opent de Oostenrijks-Britse filosoof Karl Popper de aanval op Plato, Hegel en Marx, de filosofische wegbereiders van centraal geleide politieke systemen en historische wetmatigheden. Het wereldberoemde werk, dat in 1945 verscheen, is waarschijnlijk een van de meest hartstochtelijke pleidooien voor democratie en individuele vrijheid en tegen totalitarisme die ooit zijn gehouden.

‘Het streven naar vrouwenbevrijding is in de afgelopen decennia gemuteerd tot een ideologie met sterke totalitaire trekken’
Aan actualiteit hebben Poppers gedachten niet ingeboet. De totalitaire bedreigingen van de vrijheid openbaren zich graag onder de vlag van de een of andere vrijheidsstrijd. Dit geldt niet alleen voor (neo)marxisten, (neo)nazi’s of radicale islamieten. Men neme een willekeurig, begin jaren tachtig verschenen exemplaar van het feministische damesblad Opzij. Vervolgens vervangt men uit het een of andere artikel het woord ‘man’ door ‘slaaf’, ‘zigeuner’ of ‘jood’. Het resultaat is verrassend: met een beetje geluk (of pech) worden we geconfronteerd met een epistel dat niet zou misstaan in de boekenkast van welke racistische scherpslijper dan ook.

Nu zou men natuurlijk kunnen tegenwerpen dat iedere revolutie haar radicale, Jakobijnse fase kent die vanzelf wel weer overgaat. Men zou ook zijn schouders kunnen ophalen over zoveel onzin, ware het niet dat deze dames en hun (geestelijke) nazaten het politieke discours al sinds decennia in hoge mate bepalen.

Deze (vrouwelijke) achtenzestigers en hun dochters hebben niet alleen de emancipatie doorgezet, een vrijheidsstrijd die het inderdaad verdiende ondersteund te worden. (Pas in 1957 werden getrouwde vrouwen in Nederland juridisch handelingsbekwaam. Voor die tijd dienden zij zich te vervoegen bij de man van dienst). Het streven naar vrouwenbevrijding is in de afgelopen vier, vijf decennia gemuteerd tot een ideologie met sterke totalitaire trekken. In zekere zin is zij in haar Jakobijnse fase blijven steken.

‘De overweldigende meerderheid van degenen die in 2015 de binnenstromende illegalen bejubelden waren vrouwen’
Binnen de Atlantische cultuur heeft het feminisme belangrijke thema’s bezet zoals ‘de natuur’, ‘vrede’, ‘bewapening’, ‘mannen’, ‘mensenrechten’. Met een mengeling van diepe verontwaardiging en geraffineerde berekening wordt de wereld, dan wel het blanke mannelijke deel daarvan, op agressieve wijze met verwijten en directieven bestookt. Die ‘politiek correcte’ verontwaardiging is niet alleen uiterst selectief, zij bedreigt ook de cultuur van waaruit zij ageert.

Een voorbeeld. De overweldigende meerderheid van degenen die in 2015 de binnenstromende illegalen bejubelden waren vrouwen. Een ongeveer even overweldigende meerderheid van die migranten waren mannen en jongens in de zeer vruchtbare leeftijd tussen 15 en 35 jaar. Hier is niet de vraag relevant hoe groot de vrouwelijke animo geweest zou zijn wanneer het omgekeerde het geval was geweest, dus wanneer een vloedgolf van mooie, jonge Sheherazades het continent had overspoeld. (De vraag stellen is hem beantwoorden, lijkt mij). Relevant is dat agressie van de eigen mannen en jongens nadrukkelijk werd en wordt getaboeïseerd, terwijl die van archaïsche culturen op de koop wordt toegenomen, of erger. Het is, al dan niet bewust, een frontale aanval op zowel de culturele en nationale identiteit als op de open samenleving, begrippen die nauw met elkaar verbonden zijn, of dat in ieder geval waren.

Wat de nationale identiteit betreft is het misschien nuttig om op deze plek nogmaals de woorden van de grote Nederlandse cultuurhistoricus Johan Huizinga te memoreren. Aan de vooravond van de Tweede Wereldoorlog maakte hij een onderscheid tussen ‘patriottisme’ en ‘nationalisme’. Patriottisme, aldus Huizinga, is ‘de wil tot handhaving en verweer van wat eigen en dierbaar is…’ Nationalisme daarentegen omschrijft hij als ‘de machtige drift tot heerschappij, de zucht om het eigen volk of den eigen staat te laten gelden voor, boven en ten koste van andere.’

Weerbaarheid en verdediging van de eigen cultuur, van de eigen grenzen, zijn intussen belaste (mannelijke) begrippen. Inclusiviteit is het (vrouwelijke) toverwoord – een gevaarlijke en infantiele fantasmagorie.

Zowel het marxisme-leninisme als het nationaalsocialisme ontwierpen synthetische mensbeelden die ver van de werkelijkheid, in ideologische petrischaaltjes, werden ontwikkeld. In de alledaagse praktijk waren zij niet levensvatbaar. Er bestond geen ‘socialistische persoonlijkheid’, geen ‘Übermensch.’ Alle pogingen om deze Frankenstein-constructies tot leven te wekken zijn jammerlijk mislukt en voorgoed gediscrediteerd.

Ook de (‘vrouwelijke’) poging een ‘witte hermafrodiet’ te ontwerpen die zijn archaïsche antithese zal omarmen is een perversie die tot mislukken is gedoemd. Al doet een blik op het culturele, politieke en academische establishment anders vermoeden: vrijheid in een open samenleving bestaat uitsluitend bij de gratie van begrenzing en de wil deze grenzen te verdedigen, zowel territoriaal als individueel. Wie meent dat, als je het maar hard genoeg hoopt en roept, alle mensen broeders en zusters zullen worden zal zijn of haar luchtrijk van de dromen waarschijnlijk niet op eigen kracht kunnen verlaten.”Door: Jan Herman Brinks , 15:26, 23 september 2019

We are Here to Communicate Outer Authority

We are all here to communicate our outer authority. It’s what we’re about. And we know it is not easy to find those that we can communicate with and we are understood. Human beings talking to each other, how little they hear each other. When your mind is in control of your life and you’re having a heated discussion with somebody, your mind is so busy trying to figure out how to win, control, defeat the other, defend oneself, and prepare the next sentence. And while you’re preparing the next sentence you don’t hear what’s being said because you don’t care, because you’re just dealing with homogenized views and homogenized views can always be argued about, because there is no universal truth. There isn’t. It’s a myth.

There are universal homogenized accept abilities. Truth is unique; it’s just unique. And it’s not about saying when someone receives outer authority and that person tells them something in that outer authority that does not have to become their truth. It is simply something that has been communicated. We don’t understand that kind of communication. We don’t.

This is the way in which the program tries to compensate, there are all these hidden fractal lines. There are these natural mathematical partners. It doesn’t mean they’re there to be your lovers, your friends, but they are certainly going to be those forces that when you communicate they hear it. And if it resonates within them they pass it along—“you’ll never guess what I heard yesterday.” This is the movement.

It’s why I’m always so concerned about simplicity. It’s not because I think that those beings that are interested in Human Design don’t have the grasp. The greatest dilemma of a knowledge like this is how misleading intelligence is. It’s misleading. When you understand the nature of fractal you realize that simple is the only way that you get beyond the third or fourth or fifth or sixth generation of communication. It’s the only way that anything moves. I’m a 5/1; I’m here to call universally. You can’t do that when the language is so complex that nobody can truly grasp it. It has to be simple.

And if something can be distilled down to the simple and stand up to testing, then it is something that will move down the fractal line. And it says something about all communication, is that one of the things that we avoid the most in our dealing with the other is the simple. We don’t say what we really think; we don’t say what we really feel. We couch things in coded expressions, innuendos, facial movement. We don’t really share what’s really there because we don’t know how, and I’m speaking of humanity. -Ra Uru Hu, Facets & Fractals, Advanced Base Theory

Leestijd 4 minuten

“Het is een dag van niks. De zomer duurt al eeuwen en is nog lang niet voorbij. Sjef en ik liggen op onze rug op het betegelde voetbalveldje achter ons huis. Met „ons huis” bedoel ik zijn studentenkamertje, waar ik in het begin van de vakantie met drie schone onderbroeken en een jurk naartoe ging en sindsdien niet meer vandaan ben gekomen.

„Wat zullen we doen?” vraag ik.

„Hoezo?” Hij draait zich naar me toe.

Ik heb zin om zijn neus in mijn mond te stoppen, sproeten en al.

„We doen toch al wat,” zegt hij.

„Ik verveel me.”

Hij haalt zijn schouders op.

„Leer me eens iets,” zeg ik.

„Wat dan?”


Sjef kijkt naar de lucht. Ik kijk met hem mee. Vroeger wilde ik dit heel graag, zo naast iemand liggen. Nu heb ik Sjef en ik ben aan hem gewend geraakt. Ik merk amper nog of hij er is of niet.

Hij pulkt iets tussen zijn tanden vandaan. ‘Ik kan je wel een sjekkie leren rollen, maar het ligt binnen.’

„Ga halen dan.”

Hij zucht, staat op en sloft weg. Klopt het stof van zijn lichtblauwe korte broek. Mijn moeder zegt altijd: als je weet dat je niet gaat strijken, moet je ook geen linnen kopen.

Sjef draait zijn voordeur open en ik kijk hoe een vliegtuig een streep trekt in de felle blauwe lucht. Daar zitten allemaal mensen in. Ze gaan naar huis of naar de zon. Voelen ze zich schuldig, al die kerosine? Ik ben een held dat ik thuisblijf. Ze zullen later zeggen: mensen zoals zij hebben de wereld gered.

Daar is Sjef. Ik ga rechtop zitten.
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How Is Consciousness Related to the Brain?

“More recently, I’ve heard some truly mind-blowing hypotheses about the nature of consciousness. I recently encountered the ideas of Dr. Eben Alexander, a neurosurgeon who had a near-death experience (NDE) in 2008 which was the subject of his New York Times number one bestselling book, Proof of Heaven. He described familiar NDE elements from his days in a meningitis-related coma: traveling through a tunnel, encountering a being of light, connecting with profound, all-embracing love.

I recently spoke with Alexander on the Think Act Be podcast, and he described a relationship between consciousness and the brain that turns conventional scientific thinking on its head. Alexander suggests that rather than creating consciousness, the brain actually limits it.

“I often say that we are conscious in spite of our brain, not because of it,” said Alexander. “It really has to do with the fact that consciousness is fundamental.” He continued, “Consciousness is not something you can get behind. You can’t see it as a derivative from the matter of the brain.” (This notion is captured in the title of the article, “What If Consciousness Comes First?”)

So if our experience of consciousness doesn’t arise from the brain—where the heck does it come from? According to Alexander, “We truly live in a mindful universe, with top-down causal principles that are very powerful in determining the events of human lives.” He posits that these causal principles “are not the simple, predicted result of a kind of bottom-up causation looking at the subatomic particles and cells.” Instead, consciousness is the building block of the universe and gives rise to everything we experience—including ourselves.”


9-Centered Humans

Mann Frau Proportion Da Vinci by © Sonja Janson,

Our species has exhausted the developmental potential of the 7-centered mind and now has the opportunity to reach far beyond the cognitive, sensory and awareness capabilities of our 7-centered ancestors. As 9-centered humans we are here to explore living with a form of consciousness that is more advanced than mental awareness. We are designed to experience the realization of binary consciousness: the quantum consciousness of mind and body simultaneously, meaning the conscious awareness of the body living the life and the mind observing it. Binary consciousness brings the moment-to-moment awareness of the body’s intelligence as it makes decisions for the life. The mind resides as witness, observing the movement of embodied life. The correct and highest developmental potential of the mind is to observe life and to communicate those observations, when asked, for the benefit of others. As 9-centered humans we are born with the potential to live as holistic beings, not just as an instinctual physical being or just as a strategic mental being, but to live the full potential of our species at its current stage of development: to experience life as self-reflected witnessing consciousness uniquely embodied in form.

Human Design is knowledge for our time. Humanity faces a rapidly changing world and is on the cusp of another evolutionary shift. Now we have the opportunity to learn how to live out our 9-centered potential. We are approaching a new era when the survival of our species and its ability to thrive will depend on one’s unique ability to navigate through life without the protection and support of the social infrastructure and agreements which have previously held our world together. The Human Design System shows you how to explore at the leading edge of human development. Here is the opportunity to live as a unique individual, to live by the decision-making of your body’s inner authority while liberating the mind to observe and be of service to the other.” – Dharmen and Leela Swann-Herbert – quoted with written permission from Your Own Authority – A Beginner’s Guide to Human Design ebook

“I relax into oneness and spontaneously give my deepest gift”

“If we have grown beyond a 50/50 Relationship, we are no longer cautious about giving our love to our intimate partner. At certain moments we might beg and whimper; at other moments we might aggressively ravish our partner in love. Still at other times our loving is serene and sweet. But whether shouting, screaming, pleading, pushing, pulling, biting or hugging, we are gifting our partner with our uninhibited and free love, flowing directly from our sexual essence without fear or doubt.

If we have grown into the practice of Intimate Communion, the imaginary videotape does not pose a dilemma since we understand that the fundamental difference between rape and ravishment is simple: Love. Is love the motive of every squeeze, shriek and nibble, regardless of how forceful, aggressive or passionate? Or is it a motive of need the need for sex, the need for power, the need for control?

Most important, in the practice of Intimate Communion we learn that love is something you do, not something you “fall into” or “out of.” Love is something that you practice, like playing tennis or the violin, not something you happen to feel or not. If you are waiting to feel love, in passionate sex or safe conversation, you are making a mistake. Love is an action that you do and when you do it, you feel it. When you are loving, others find you lovable. Love is an action you can practice.

Therefore, in Intimate Communion we learn to practice loving even when we feel hurt, rejected or resistant. First we practice love, and then our native sexual essence blooms, naturally, inevitably, because we are learning to give from our core, which includes the root of our sexuality.” – David Deida, Intimate Communion – awakening your sexual essence

…an unresolved argument…

What do we really know about male desire? Not much, according to Canadian sex researchers


Winnipeg relationships therapist Sarah Hunter Murray found a male desire that’s less voracious, indiscriminate and skin deep, and more emotionally complex – fragile, even.

Winnipeg relationships therapist Sarah Hunter Murray found a male desire that’s less voracious, indiscriminate and skin deep, and more emotionally complex – fragile, even. CRISTIAN FOWLIE/THE GLOBE AND MAIL

Although sex researchers historically gave male subjects centre stage, they paid surprisingly little attention to how men actually desire. Today, contemporary sexologists say our cultural understanding of men’s sex drive remains simplistic and leans on old clichés – that male libido is always sky-high, self-centred and ready to go, with practically anyone. Men who aren’t this way are still treated as exceptions, not the rule.

Canadian researchers and clinicians are starting to push back on these ideas by asking deeper questions about the inner world of male desire. They’re looking at how heterosexual men lust (and don’t) within their relationships, what motivates them to have sex with their partners, what frustrates them in their intimate lives and how they process rejection from the women they love. What they’re finding counters much of what’s been previously assumed about men.

“We’ve got this stereotype about men’s desire being constant and unwavering. More recently, we’ve got #MeToo highlighting stories of men’s sexual desire being dangerous, toxic and about power. But what else is going on?” said Winnipeg relationships therapist Sarah Hunter Murray.

Murray interviewed nearly 300 men and spoke to hundreds more over a decade in her therapy practice – executives, truck drivers, athletes, teachers and dads among them. Their insights are included in Murray’s recent book, Not Always in The Mood: The New Science of Men, Sex, and Relationships, which offers a rare glimpse into a world we think we understand, but possibly don’t at all.

Notably absent from Murray’s book are the usual tales of raging male libido. One husband is too stressed out by the family business to think about sex. A boyfriend turns down his girlfriend’s advances for two months as he dwells on an unresolved argument. Another husband tells Murray his sexual interest piques when he and his wife talk late into the night. In her conversations with men, Murray found a male desire that’s less voracious, indiscriminate and skin deep, and more emotionally complex – fragile, even.

While Murray offers a strikingly new perspective on heterosexual male sex drive, other Canadian researchers are studying men’s sexual problems in long-term committed relationships. In Halifax, clinical psychologist Natalie Rosen is looking at why men experience low desire with their partners. At the University of Waterloo, PhD student Siobhan Sutherland is exploring male and female partners’ sexual complaints, which happen to be the same. And at the University of Kentucky, Canadian researcher Kristen Mark mines “sexual desire discrepancy” in couples, finding it’s sometimes wives and girlfriends who are more interested in sex than husbands and boyfriends – guys who find this scenario particularly troubling because of social expectations about the supposedly more carnal male gender.

Their emerging research suggests serious blind spots around male desire are harming relationships and holding couples back from broaching what they want in their intimate lives.

“If we ignore the nuances of sexual desire in men, we risk continuing to perpetuate stereotypes – that men’s sexual interest is uniformly high and independent of context – to the detriment of the many men whose experiences are multifaceted,” said Halifax’s Rosen. “In enhancing our understanding of men’s sexual desire, we can improve individual and couple sexuality and ultimately promote the quality of intimate relationships.”

The Globe spoke to researchers – and men – about busting the most pernicious myths lingering around male desire.
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When mind is freed of being an inner authority

“When mind is freed of being an inner authority—because realize what life is like when mind pretends to be both the inner authority and the outer authority.

That mind only lies, because you‘re always protecting your ass one way or another.

But the moment you liberate mind, the moment you give it an opportunity, well, to be an old dog learning a new trick, it‘s called seeing.

It’s one of those words. What does it actually mean?

I’m not talking about the illusion of the three-dimensional field that we call our seeing.

No, it isn‘t about that.

It‘s about being aware.

This is about grasping everything without having to.

It is the freedom that comes with being able to move through this space correctly” – Ra Uru Hu

There is no way to get to peace through the Maia

“You just can’t. One has to be brought to juxtaposition – to see that you play two roles, live a duality, and have two separate lives in one.

We live out the mechanical life, and have no choice in that whatsoever. The field of light gives the impression that there is nothing but choice – everything in the Maia is about choice, all these choices.

Just because you know this and live your strategy, you don’t escape the Maia, but live in it seamlessly, because when you then understand the mechanics of the Maia, it becomes seamless. Then you can have the other side of the juxtaposition by being aware of your helplessness. Wait for what you need to come to you, despite what the mirror shows.

Then you get to live out both sides. We are two-faced beings and are always in these two different realms at the same time.

You don’t need to struggle in the light.

You’ll never find reassurance there.

You can only get that from the mechanical side.” – Ra Uru Hu

How do the fates deal with the 6th line?

This line of enforcement. The discipline to maintain right action.

Until you get to the 6th line the fates are just throwing spanners in the mix. They are just getting in your way so you’ll simply differentiate. When it gets to the 6th line it gets right back down to the basics, right action is everything. The only way you are here to go through experience is as right action. There is no other way for the 6th line. 6th line beings are the most vulnerable beings on the planet. These are the good that die young and the old that die too soon. 6th line; fragile as fragile can be.

The enforcement of right action is never the privilege of a 6th line being in their first 30 years of their life because in those first 30 years they don’t live out their 6th line theme but a 3rd line of trial and error, pessimism, martyrdom, and mistakes, and all of that. And every 6th line being when they get to their post Kiron phase in life has to meet exactly the same forces they met in that first Saturn cycle, but they have to meet it with the enforcement of right action. Oh, what a trap! Those forces that you met before you went up on the roof they are waiting. It’s like those animals that can’t climb up the building but they know that at some point you have to come down that roof and they are all down there waiting. And it’s not the same people. It’s something to really grasp. It will be the same kind of archetypes. And you will see very clearly as a 6th line being that those forces that were there in that first Saturn cycle, the forces that tempted you with love, with this, with that, the forces that hurt you, that pleased you or whatever the case may be, they return. They return and how you deal with them then? This is what it is to be a 6th line being. The role model. The ultimate example. The ultimate example of what it is to live as yourself and this can only be done through right action. Right action is the action of the vehicle. It’s about authority. It’s about strategy.” – Ra Uru Hu

image by Christian Nauck – Daredevil roof jump – photoshop by Felicitas Driessen

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The aura does do the talking.

“When you begin the experiment of being yourself, you will see clearly that it will bring the appropriate response and reward. In grasping your design, in grasping your Type, see clearly how important it is for the children around you that they are not forced or conditioned to be something other than what they are.

The first seven years of life is when we experience our deepest conditioning. By the time that we reach seven years of age, we have the equipment necessary to survive in the world. That equipment that we have for survival is the conditioned equipment of the notself that dominates our existence. We were conditioned by our mothers and our fathers and our siblings.

For an adult to discover the nature of their design, the mechanics of their Type, is a seven-year process of de-conditioning yourself. It is not like you have to work at that. It is about experimenting day by day with what it is to be you. It takes seven years for the vast majority of the cells in the body to be replaced. It takes seven years to eliminate the old conditioning and to bring about the new. It takes about three and a half years to reach the critical mass where the true self begins to dominate over the conditioned self.

It is so difficult for deeply conditioned human beings to appreciate the power that lies within them. They have never tapped into those resources. They are always trying to climb the mountain of inconsistency.

The complexity of what it is to be human is really misleading. The literature on “discovering yourself’ has little to do with fact and much to do with concept. Human Design is just about the basic mechanical infrastructure that humanity has. When you accept the way in which your vehicle is intended to operate, it will run smoothly. When your vehicle operates correctly, you who experience the life can finally relax and enjoy the journey. It requires nothing more than living out the basic mechanic of your Type. Nothing more.” Ra Uru Hu – Profile and Type Reference Book

‘Vrijheid is belangrijker dan gekwetste gevoelens’

Bart Nijman interviewt Hans Teeuwen in de Nieuwe Revu van deze week over het vrije woord. De cabaretier legt het nog één keer uit, want: ‘Vrijheid wordt te vaak verkeerd begrepen.’

Wanneer werd de vrijheid van meningsuiting een thema voor jou?
‘De eerste keer dat ik ging nadenken over de vrijheid van meningsuiting en hoe fragiel die is, kwam door twee incidenten met de Hells Angels in de jaren 90. In het programma van Jack Spijkerman werden grappen gemaakt over Hells Angels die in een bordeel waren doodgeschoten. Henk van Dorp had iets gezegd over de vermeend criminele activiteiten van deze volstrekt onschuldige jongensclub. Spijkerman werd toen bedreigd en Henk van Dorp moest na een klap in zijn gezicht twee weken lang met een blauw oog zijn programma presenteren, want de jongens waren even langs geweest. Van Dorp en Spijkerman boden zelfs hun excuses aan de Angels aan, op beeld. Dat was al schokkend genoeg, maar nog veel schokkender was dat niemand zich uitsprak tegen wat toch wel heftige bedreigingen en zelfs geweld waren. Artistieke vrijheid en persvrijheid werden door een klein clubje aan de motorlaars gelapt. Ik geloof niet dat het ooit de ambitie van de Hells Angels was om Nederland te gaan regeren, maar op het moment dat het doodstil blijft als je zoiets flikt, realiseer je je wel hoe effectief de dreiging van geweld is als je mensen het zwijgen op wil leggen. Dat vond ik oprecht schokkend. Een van de weinige mensen die zich daar toen net zo druk over maakte als ik, was nota bene Theo van Gogh. Terwijl de reactie van de meeste mensen was van: “Joh, doe nou maar niet, want die lui zijn knettergek.”’

Hoe keek je terug op dat incident?
‘Het geeft een besef over de vrijheid van meningsuiting. Dat er een zekere mate van moed voor nodig is om onder intimidatie uit te komen. De moed van de eenling, die het aandurft om een onderwerp op te werpen of een grap te maken, maar niet weet of iedereen zijn stap naar voren zal volgen, of dat hij daar alleen komt te staan. In de wind. Op zulke momenten vind ik dat de solidariteit van mensen die gewoon, zonder geweld en zonder bedreigingen, een debat willen voeren, zichtbaar moet worden. Want wat gaan die Hells Angels doen als er een massaal statement wordt gemaakt? Ze kunnen niet iedereen op hun bek slaan. Diezelfde wetmatigheid had moeten gelden rondom de eerste cartoons over Mohammed, in Denemarken. Toen er echte bedreigingen kwamen, die door toch een te groot deel van de islamitische gemeenschap in elk geval niet werden veroordeeld. Meteen bij het eerste geweld hadden ALLE (Teeuwen vraagt hier expliciet om hoofdletters, red.) kranten die cartoons moeten afdrukken, om zo de boodschap af te geven dat dát is wat er gebeurt als je een onwelgevallige mening met geweld of de dreiging daarvan probeert te intimideren – dan krijg je hem in duizendvoud terug.’
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The great disappointment…

…for Reflectors is when they put their faith in the other. This is the great disappointment that awaits all Reflectors because sooner or later that is something that’s going to hurt them.

They are here to embrace what is a larger force in their life. It’s just what they’re here for. And of course, the moment that they are on that mundane plane that’s when the disappointment arises. The moment that the conditioning of the people around them is stronger than the conditioning of the program that’s the moment that truly the Reflector becomes lost.

They’re not here to reflect you and me. They only sample it. And what they’re really sampling is to see how much of the program you’ve taken in; because, after all, it’s not good for you. What’s good for them is not good for you. They can carry it inside them and it’s perfect. You carry it inside you and you’re lost in the not-self.”

– Ra Uru Hu

The one thing…

… that an energy type likes about a non-energy type – The Projector – is that the Projector is interested in them. That’s true; this is the Projector. They’re interested in the other.

So when an energy type meets a Reflector they’re surprised; they’re often upset. “They’re not interested in me.” They expect that interest to be there; it is not there. The Reflector aura samples, it takes just a touch of the other. No more. It isn’t to say that when you see a Reflector with somebody else and you’re doing a composite chart, because I can hear the question coming, that they don’t activate it. Yes, of course, they do. This is just simple basic mechanics. But it’s very important to understand something. It has a very, very minimal effect and in terms of conditioning. It is nowhere as powerful as the same activations coming from the planets. And this is the difference.

The Reflector has no way to protect itself from the daily program. So, in fact, more than any other creature on this planet they are designed to be deeply impacted by the program—Sun worshipers, actually. It may be that the Reflector cycle is ruled by the Moon, but they are focused on the neutrino field. It is what they’re here to take in. They’re here to take in the primary programming information.”

– Ra Uru Hu

SunBlog 42.6

Weirdos in the mail:

“Please undo your tagging of my name in a blog post.
It is affecting my work and business associates I am a high school track coach and Triathlon Coach. This was brought to my attention by a parent.
This is defamation that affects my livelihood.
My name when googled comes up with “How to F a woman” and Initial response by parents seeing this is that they think I wrote about this topic. I work with their children .

Cease and Desist any further tagging, writing , mentioning of me in your blog, website, any and all social media, all web communication outlets, written or video.

If this the tag and article is not removed by April 25, 2019 I will take next steps with my legal representative.

Diana Twardzik McLaughlin”

this does not sound like an apology at all…
Also, I’d like to direct your attention to this page here:

So, in order to consider your request of removing all content regarding you, I will accept the following:

-post an apology for lying about me, make this post public. A video message is acceptable too.
-Send me proof.

Then, I will take a full Lunar Cycle to consider your request. Until then: gfy

Soap sequence here:
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You can’t do both

Albert : “Have you actualized fully?”

Peggy Blumquist : “What?”

Albert : “Have you actualized fully?”

Peggy Blumquist : “I don’t know.
I mean, I’m trying.”

Albert : “Do you feel cold sometimes, even when it’s hot?”

Peggy Blumquist : “Sometimes.”

Albert : “Do you understand the difference between thinking and being?”

Peggy Blumquist : “What do you mean?”

Albert : “Do you understand the difference between thinking and being?”

Peggy Blumquist : “I…”

Albert : “To be is simply to exist…
Try it…
Try simply being.”

Peggy Blumquist : “I’m sorry, but how is sitting here gonna help me be the best person I can be?”

Albert : “Ah.
You want an explanation.”

Peggy Blumquist : “Well, kinda.”

Albert : “The human mind, aroused by an insistence for meaning, seeks and finds nothing but contradiction and nonsense.”

Peggy Blumquist : “Okay. It’s just practically, I’m saying. Uh, as a person, a married person, a woman who’s worried. She’s not living up to her full potential.”

Albert : “Hmm.
Think or be.
You can’t do both.” – Fargo – S02E08 – Loplop

There’s nowhere to go because there’s nowhere to be

“Evolution is just a name we give to the illusion of motion, and wisdom is just a mirage. Despite all the talk of journeys and progress and growth, no one has ever moved an inch. You appear in the amusement park and you play the games and ride the rides and when it’s over you go out the way you came in. There was never any chance of making a difference because you were as much an illusion as the rest of it.” Jed McKenna – Dreamstate: A Conspiracy Theory

Bericht van Birgitte Westerveld

Weirdos in the mail:

TransIP 1 maart 2019 23:46

Van Birgitte Westerveld ontvingen wij onderstaand bericht.

Good day,

I would like to report the following website hosted by your firm Transip B.V. server for abusive content and slandering of my name across the internet. It’s a site maintained by Sjef Romijn :

Content from a private FB discussion I’ve had between ‘friends only’ has been forwarded to Mr. Romijn in May 2018 and he has tagged several versions of my name (and those of others) and now all the offense content and images show up in search engines across the internet.

My reputations is being severely damaged and I would like all taken down. I have sent Mr. Romijn a private message this morning with the request to remove all content concerning me, but unfortunately he also promptly publicized this as well! I am pasting all links here. Your assistance in this matter would be greatly appreciated, not only for me, but for all others involved as my children other friends and family, not to mention prospective employers or clients, who are being affected by this as well for having me publicly exposed in such an offensive manner!

I am also including 2 of my own screen shots of the images that appear under my name..

Thank you for your help in this unfortunate matter,


Birgitte Westerveld

Met toestemming heb ik dit bericht aan je doorgestuurd, onze juridische afdeling zal dit verzoek gaan onderzoeken.

Met vriendelijke groet,
TransIP BV

Me: Ik heb ervaringen met deze dame gehad (waarin zij mij behoorlijk door het slijk haalt), daar heb ik over geblogged, zie de links die zij zelf aan jullie gegeven heeft. Ik hoor het wel als er vragen zijn. Bedankt.


Transip: Beste Sjef,

Dat kan ik me goed voorstellen. Op geen enkele wijze willen wij ons hierin mengen als dat voorkomen kan worden. De beklaagde kwam verhaal halen en wij hebben gedaan wat wij in deze situaties doen en kunnen doen.

Ik hoop dat je de dialoog aan gaat met haar en er op die manier uit komt. Nog een fijne zaterdag toegewenst.

Met vriendelijke groet,
TransIP BV

Me: Birgitte,

in order to consider your request of removing all content regarding you, I will accept the following:

-unblock me on FaceBook first, by all your FB accounts/aliases.
-post an apology for smearing me, my name and my HD work falsely, be just as elaborate as you were smearing me, make this post public. A video message is acceptable too.
-Edit that specific smearing topic on your FB wall (do not delete it) to first make the post public, then to include the apology.
-write to all people you’ve written before complaining about me, like FB group admins and so on, with this public apology.
-Show me proof of all these.

The same applies for all others involved in that topic.

Then, I will take a full Lunar Cycle to consider your request.

Soap sequence here:
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SunBlog 37.6

Weirdos in the mail:

“Sjef, zou je die HDS \’soap opera\’ content aub kunnen verwijderen. Je hebt mijn naam en die van alle anderen getagged en nu komt alles op in searchengines. Wij schijnen elkaar niet te liggen.. bygones be bygones…maar ik heb ook kinderen die hier niet bij ingetrokken hoeven te worden.”

Google translate: “Sjef, could you please remove that HDS soap opera content. You have tagged my name and that of all others and now everything shows up in searchengines. We do not seem to sit well with each other .. bygones be bygones … but I also have children who do not have to be dragged into it.”

Soap sequence here:
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Rave New Year Forecast 2019 Excerpt

The Rave New Year Forecast is Fundamentally a Transit Weather Forecast

The transits of the Rave New Year are frequency patterns, interpreted by the mind, that will arise over and over throughout the year. It is easy to become caught up in the planetary transits because they influence all of humanity – we are in a material program which promotes a homogenized way of thinking and acting.

Learning about the planetary transits help us to become aware of what is not us, of what is not our individual life. When we learn about the Rave Year ahead, it is a finger pointing us towards what we can become aware of, without becoming identified with it, or acting upon it. It becomes the basis of our wisdom about the world, and what is not us.

It can be valuable to remember that this is the transit weather passing through; however, it is a weather pattern that will come up over and over throughout the year. We do not need to identify ourselves with the weather passing through; it is simply something that is experienced through the body and observed with the mind. We don’t make up stories about how the weather is doing something to us, or that we must do something about the weather; it is simply a fact of life here on planet Earth. Just like the weather, the Rave New Year transit themes are a fact of life on planet Earth every year.

If we know it is going to be rainy, we can be prepared, and take an umbrella with us; if we know the Rave New Year forecast, we can be prepared for what the homogenized world around us will be caught up in, and therefore, what to look for in the transit weather.

What is the Program?

The Program is a term that Ra used to describe the way the planetary transits operate together. We live in a vast neutrino ocean of approximately 30 trillion neutrinos per square inch per second; and we take in their energy, which arises primarily from the core of stars. Each neutrino travels to us across the solar system; and as they pass across or through a planet, the neutrino picks up the frequency imprint of that planet.

Each planet has a specific orbit in our solar system, which is described in Human Design through the Rave Mandala wheel, from the point of view of planet Earth. As each planet moves in its orbit, it passes through each of the gates in the Rave Mandala wheel. The Sun takes 365 days to pass through all 64 gates, where Pluto takes 251.9 years to do the same.

When we look at a transit of a specific day, we are seeing a snapshot of the planet’s movement around the wheel, and the specific energies that the neutrinos are bringing to us. The combination of all these planetary aspects and their gates is called The Program.

By observing The Program for the Rave New Year, we can learn to recognize these imprinted themes in action around us, and not get caught up in acting upon them, or identifying with them. Simply stated – energy is not personal.

Each planetary body has its own unique frequency theme, which is then expressed through the imprinted neutrinos passing by, and through that planetary body.

When we are looking at the Rave New Year Transits, we are looking at the over-arching, global themes for the entire year. Their potential influence is in the way our mind is conditioned to think, with a particular direction or focus. We can also become caught up in identifying with the homogenized world, which amplifies this same conditioning.

Each planet’s frequency for the coming year, expressed through the specific gate it is transiting, brings a unique energy transmission, which can be experienced by the body, and observed by the mind.

However, each of us have our own imprint of the planets, and their gate energies, that make up our individual BodyGraph. Our very strategy, and Inner Authority, arise through the specifics of the planetary imprint of our design. When we are operating correctly, we are living a life that is built upon the specifics of our design, through each planetary aspect and their frequencies.

When the mind is running the life, it runs on The Program; it is a distorted, and homogenized way of life – acting and reacting to the transit themes and their influences. And, if The Program provides a transit in a gate that is open in our design, the mind will be very attracted to acting upon it.

By learning about The Program, and specifically the Rave New Year programming, we can learn to observe these themes in action around us. Slowly, we can become familiar with these themes, and avoid being identified with them, or initiating action based upon them.

Remember, the transits are here to be observed, and self-observation builds our wisdom, and potential for awareness in the now.

By Dharmen & Leela Swann-Herbert

Bodies don’t wake up.

“That can actually sound quite cute. But anyway they don’t. They don’t. Vehicles don’t wake up. It’s not even in their criteria. Vehicles are vehicles. Only passengers can wake up.

To break through that, it’s not enough to say “Ok, follow your strategy, honor your inner authority.” You can’t imagine, well, I guess you can because most of you have heard it, I say this endlessly, it is my “take two aspirins and go to bed,” over and over and over again, but it’s not enough when it comes to any attempt to awaken the passenger. As I said earlier, you can follow your design and have the serendipity that your passenger sees. There isn’t anything to say that there isn’t a 2nd line somewhere that will come to that quite naturally. It’s all possible. But in terms of the vast population, in terms of the vast majority of people who will experiment with this knowledge? No. No, it’s not a given because it is a gift and not a right. How about that? It’s not a right.

There can be a number of ways. You can be Krishnamurti. That is, you can have a fabulous intellectual mind. And through the very glory of your intellectual mind you can get to a resolute place of recognizing choicelessness. Bravo, very few beings can do that. It’s impressive, but very few can. You can have satori, that incredible epiphany, magical moment, whatever you want to call it, in which suddenly seeing is there. So many of the beings that we call masters, gurus, whatever, have had these kinds of experiences where suddenly there’s this seeing and everybody says “ah”; yeah, well, ok. It’s not transferable. We’re talking about transference and we’re talking about what’s transferable. I have no right as a teacher to teach anything that isn’t transferable” – Ra Uru Hu

Human Design is not a moral knowledge

“It doesn’t teach us to be nice
Human Design is the rule breaker
It urges us to be ourselves in any price
All the prices our conditioned mind might think we pay
Turn out to be the biggest gifts bestowed upon us through this process
There is no bigger gift then being one’s SELF
It can’t be quantified
It can’t be compared
It can’t be defined
And there is nothing more important or worthy than it.
There is no cause
There is no enlightenment.
SELF is all there is.
And the gift of its unique expression through a body and mind.
We humans have so many ideas, in any path we walk.
Every “truth” brings endless words to feed the thought,
Which now translates its instructions into new language.
If we believe it, we fall into the pit. Illusion.
If we think it can tell us what it means to be SELF
We are mistaken.
The problem cannot recognize the solution
Thought cannot comprehend what is before and beyond thought.
Human Design reminds us what it is to be a guest here, on this plane.
A passenger consciousness in a vehicle,
Driving us safely on itself.
To be a passenger is not to look at everyone else,
And think who we are in compared to them.
It is to watch and see our SELF,
Being revealed and exposed, out of letting go into what IS.
And to allow the expression of it as it is,
Without masks, or trying to please and ease, to fit in.
Without fighting to change, to be someone or something.
It is the greatest gift we can give ourselves and others.
And it takes courage. It takes courage to be who we are.
Mostly the courage of the first decision – to try.
After that, out strategy and authority take us.
I love Human Design.” – Pavaka Katzir – Living Your Design Guide – Human Design Manifestor Group

What I came to see was that my suffering wasn’t a result of not having control

“Before I woke up to reality, I had a symbol for all my frustration: my children’s socks. Every morning they would be on the floor, and every morning I would think, “My children should pick up their socks.” It was my religion. You could say my world was accelerating out of control in my mind; there were socks everywhere. And I would be filled with rage and depression because I believed these socks didn’t belong on the floor even though, morning after morning, that’s where they were. I believed it was my children’s job to pick them up even though, morning after morning, they didn’t.

I use the image of children and socks, but you might find that for you, the same thoughts apply to the environment, politics or money. We think these things should be different than they are, and we suffer because we believe our thoughts. At 43, after 10 years of deep depression and despair, my real life began.

What I came to see was that my suffering wasn’t a result of not having control; it was a result of arguing with reality. I discovered that when I believed my thoughts, I suffered; when I didn’t believe them, I didn’t suffer and that this is true for every human being. Freedom is as simple as that. I found that suffering is optional. I found a joy within me that has never disappeared, not for a single moment. That joy is in everyone, always.

When you question your mind for the love of truth, your life always becomes happier and kinder. Inquiry helps the suffering mind move out of its arguments with reality. It helps us move into alignment with constant change. After all, the change is happening anyway, whether we like it or not. Everything changes. But when we’re attached to our thoughts about how that change should look, we feel uncomfortable when we realize we’re not in control. Through inquiry, we enter the area where we do have control: our thinking. We question our thoughts about the ways in which the world seems to have gone crazy, for example. And we come to see that the craziness was never in the world, but in us.

When we understand our thinking, we understand the world, and we come to love it. In that, there’s peace.

Who would I be without the thought that the world needs improving? Happy where I am right now: the woman sitting on a chair in the sunlight. Pretty simple. The apparent craziness of the world, like everything else, is a gift we can use to set our minds free. Any stressful thought you have about the planet, for example, or about life and death, shows you where you’re stuck, where your energy is being exhausted as a result of not fully meeting life as it is, without conditions. You can’t free yourself by finding a so-called “enlightened” state outside your own mind. When you question what you believe, you eventually come to see you’re the enlightenment you’ve been seeking.

Until you can love what is–everything, including the apparent violence and craziness–you’re separate from the world, and you’ll see it as dangerous and frightening. I invite everyone to put these fearful thoughts on paper, question them, and set themselves free. When the mind is not at war with itself, there’s no separation in it. I’m 65 years old and unlimited. I’m no longer interested in what my children do with their socks.”

Quoted from a book by Byron Katie: A thousands names for joy

The Personality Has Nothing to Do with the Life.

“The body doesn’t care about you. Your vehicle doesn’t care about you. Your brain doesn’t care about you, that you think you think you are. It doesn’t. It’s living out a very, very deep, programmed, mechanical process that has a beginning, a middle and an end. You just happen to be a by-product of all of that, nothing more, nothing less. Left on the outside, not even allowed to enter the body, can you imagine.

Think about it. This illusion we have about soul, think about it. There you are in the womb just this perfect mechanical flesh bag; it’s perfect, this bio-mechanism, no Personality crystal, just the Design, just the Monopole. They build these machines, they run them, they drive them, and they kill them.

Then you have that moment, that moment where the Personality is going to be called in. But it’s not called in; it’s yanked into the orbit of the vehicle. That’s all.

It’s my joke when people ask me why I wear hats. It’s to keep my Personality crystal warm. It doesn’t even get to be in the body. Then you think that who you think you are runs your show. It’s hilarious. It’s sad; actually, it’s tragic comedy. It really is. There is the Personality stuck on the outside, don’t even let it in. And it’s the form that offers you those little aspects that you call Personality activations. It’s the form that creates that potential. It’s the form principle that sets the moment for bringing you in that is going to set the moment of your birth. It’s all fixed. It’s all a game. And the Personality sits on the outside. And it thinks that it is dying, and it’s not. It was never part of it anyway.

That’s the thing to really grasp. The Personality really has nothing to do with the life; nothing at all. It’s just a seduction to be pulled into the illusion; it’s just an illusion. It’s just the limitation of the primitiveness of the brainpan that we have, that this is the way that it functions. The illusion that we have that this is our vehicle, that this is our life. But in death the joke is revealed. In death the Design doesn’t even turn around and say good-bye to the Personality. It shows it its rear and the door, and that’s it, it doesn’t care.”
-Ra Uru Hu, RAVE COSMOLOGY: SEMESTER 3, Dying, Death and the Bardo Stages, LESSON TEN, Buddha’s Dream or How the Wheel Stops Turning
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